Reporters resisted in covering Kentucky accidental shooting

Reporters covering an accidental shooting in a Kentucky town are facing threats and assault. In covering the funeral of a two-year-old girl shot by her five-year-old brother, a German camerman was hit in the face and a New York Times reporter told he would be next. (Business Insider, May 6, 2013, by Brett Giurato)

Residents of the small town of Burkesville are upset that their town was portrayed as a symbol of gun violence and a rural lifestyle that gives guns to children. (The New York Times, May 5, 2013, by Trip Gabriel)

Writing for Legal Ruralism, May 6, 2013, Lisa R. Pruitt says a New York Times story about the family that included details such as pouring grease for the dogs to eat bolsters stereotypes of worthless rednecks. -db