Appeal in free speech case over graphic abortion images

The Thomas Moore Society has filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a Colorado Supreme Court decision in a case in which an anti-abortion protester was ruled disruptive for displaying large photos of aborted fetuses near a Palm Sunday procession with about 200 children present. Some of the children were upset by the images. (Renew America, May 7, 2013, by Gina Miller)

The Episcopal church had asked a district court to prevent the protester from disruptive conduct during services including displaying images that could be upsetting to children under 12. The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that barring speech for its content could only be done for compelling reason in this case to protect children. But the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the First Amendment allowed the display of large images of early-term aborted fetuses on the outskirts of a middle school. (The New York Times, May 13, 2013, by Adam Liptak) -db