California: Novato man alleges freight contract process violated open meetings law

Expressing his own opinion, Bernard Meyers,  former Novato councilman and current board member of the North Coast Rail Authority (NCRA), has alleged that NCRA made a deal with Northwestern Pacific Co. (NPC) to lease a freight run without proper public notice and participation.

Meyers describes the  alleged violation, “NCRA’s activities — interviewing the bidders, choosing NWP’s bid, and the negotiations for the lease — were performed by NCRA’s operator committee, whose meetings were held without any public notice and without any public participation. The committee appears to have violated the state law governing the public’s right to observe public business, known as the Brown Act. The operating committee did not report in any meaningful way to the public; when it reported to the NCRA board, it did so in secret in board closed sessions.” -db

From an op-ed in the Novato Patch, June 1, 2011, by Bernard Meyers.

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