Open government group plans to sue for photos of Osama bin Laden’s dead body

Judicial Watch is filing a request under the Freedom of Information act to obtain photos of Osama bin Laden after he was shot dead in a CIA raid in Pakistan.

Judical Watch president Tom Fitton says the public’s right to know outweighs President Barack Obama’s reasons for withholding the photos, “We are prepared to sue if they don’t respond as they are supposed to under the law. I have not heard anything from the president that would provide a lawful basis for not providing the photos. Not wanting to be seen as ‘spiking the football’ is not a lawful reason to withhold documents under FOIA.” -db

From The Hill, May 5, 2011, by Kevin Bogardus.

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One Comment

  • I agree with Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton’s demand that public right outweighs President Obama’s reasons for withholding photos of the executed Osama Bin Laden. Someone should remind Obama that he is serving the people and not the other way round. Their taxes go to pay his salary!

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