University of California balking at full disclosure as they propose tuition hike

The University of California is dragging its feet in complying with a new state law mandating the release of budget information as it prepares to increase tuition. Governor Jerry Brown wanted the law passed after UC administrators passed substantial raises for themselves.   San Francisco Chronicle reporter Nanette Asimov, November 15, 2014, writes, “The law, AB94, requires UC to tell the public how much it spends to educate undergraduates versus graduates, how much it spends on research, and how much money from each funding source goes to each area.”

UC has had a year to comply with the law but asked for a month’s extension on October 1. A spokesperson for the state Department of Finance, H.D. Palmer said it was in the public interest to have the information, “It’s not just the governor. The Legislature also approved this law, and the purpose was to provide parents, policymakers and the public more information about the cost of education — which is important data to have when you’re weighing decisions like what’s the appropriate level of tuition.” (The Sacramento Bee, November 15, 2014, by The Associated Press)

Read more here: Sacramento Bee, November 15, 2014, by The Associated Press)