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Showing 1171 - 1180 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Attorneys present at closed meetings

    I have a question about closed sessions. We want to update our Board of Directors on current litigation against our hospital. However, we don't necessarily need to have our attorney present to do so. Is this valid closed-session subject matter? And if so, do we need to list the litigation that will be discussed?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Accessing police Internal Affairs reports

    I often work with women who have been abused by police officers, often sparking internal affairs investigations in to the officer. We have never been able to get any info on the IA beyond "founded" or "unfounded." I was just alerted to Cal Govt Code 6254.7, which seems to indicate the victim has a […]

    September 20, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Newspaper Facing Possible Retaliation Over Reporting On Local Scandal Involving City Hall

    We are a small news organization covering a scandal and cover-up regarding finances and fraudulent email involving the city. There exists a pattern and culture of City Hall utilizing punitive powers to bully and pressure residents and business owners in town. Due to the recordings that we are publishing in our local paper, certain […]

    April 27, 2022

  • Asked and Answered


    Government Not Providing All Records Requested

    I submitted a CPRA and have not disclosed all of the documents from one of the categories I asked for. I requested specific photos of weapons that were found by park rangers and they are only releasing pictures from a portion of the ranger program. They did not disclose that there are additional photos, […]

    November 12, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Closed Sessions of City Council Meetings

    […] live, the city council has the closed session portion of the meeting first.ย  This leads the public to believe things on the agenda are being voted on and the decision is made on the item, before the public has the opportunity to comment on the item.ย Is this legal i.e. holding closed session first?ย  If […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC sues Sonoma County to unlock secret Super Bowl promo deal

    […] for the February 7 Super Bowl. FAC filed a public records request for the contract, under which the Sonoma County Tourism Bureau, together with organizations representing vineyards and wine growers, reportedly committed as much as $1 million to ย its deal with Super Bowl 50 Host Committee. The Bureau denied the request, claiming the contract […]

    February 4, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    School district denies Brown Act violation. What next?

    Thank you for your helpful website. I used your Cure & Correct dem and template to submit a Cure & Correct letter to the Board of Trustees and the attorney representing our school district. My letter was sent on April 10, 2013, and it referenced several Brown Act violations related to a School Board […]

    June 17, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Do Volunteers Working with CA Prisoners Have the Right to Publish Stories About The Experience?

    […] an activist component around mass incarceration? California Code of Regulations Title 15, section 3261.1 specifies that the use of "facilities, staff, inmates" in the writing of books and magazine articles requires prior approval of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) designeeโ€“ all volunteers must sign paperwork to the effect that they have […]

    November 9, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Regular meetings and varying times/locations

    […] different places at varying times? A City Council has been starting meetings in one room, then the mayor's conference room for study session, interviews, or closed sessions, and then adjourns that meeting and move to the City Council Chambers for the remainder.As the Brown act says the meeting shall be at the time and […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Can the School District Refuse to Disclose Legal Fees Because of Attorney-Client Privilege?

    A school district in California is refusing to disclose the amounts paid to outside legal counsel to defend itself in a federal lawsuit filed by a school board member. District officials are citing the appellate decision in LA County Board of Supervisors v. Superior Court as supporting case law. Have you encountered this defense? […]

    August 7, 2020