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Showing 1181 - 1190 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I go to small claims to appeal a denial of my CPRA request?

    I underst and from your website that there is no administrative appeal process for someone whose request for records was denied under CPRA, and that litigation is the only recourse. Given that, could I feasibly go to small claims for relief in equity to appeal the denial and get my records? Just to clarify, does […]

    August 13, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Does the CPRA consider an email database public and disclosable?

      As a Business Improvement District, we are an agency of our local gov't and subject to PRAs. I have submitted countless reports, minutes/agendas, financials and even a record of one full year of emails. Now I have been asked to submit the email database I have developed for communicating with my business members. I […]

    March 11, 2017

  • Asked and Answered


    My CPRA requests have been ignored. What can I do?

     I recently filed CPRA requests with both the California Department of Justice. I am being ignored. These requests have to do with the hot-button issue of adult guardianships, information which the powers that be might not be too happy to release. Nevertheless, the Sunshine laws mandate disclosure. As I am being stonewalled, I am […]

    May 19, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    Does CPRA Allow Photographing Disclosed Records?

    Does the CPRA give one the right to take photo of disclosed records with smart phone camera or other similar device (assuming not historical doc or any issue of light damages etc.)?

    May 7, 2019

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does the Brown Act require meeting minutes?

    […] ordinances).  You might want to review the school board’s bylaws for guidance on this issue. Bryan Cave LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to FAC hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

    April 13, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    District won’t release legal bills from defending workers’ comp cases

    My client has a worker's compensation case with the school district and made a public records act request in order to determine how much the school district is spending in her case and in total for legal defense of workers' compensation matters. It is our belief that the attorney is not settling cases for […]

    October 22, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Can the School District Refuse to Disclose Legal Fees Because of Attorney-Client Privilege?

    A school district in California is refusing to disclose the amounts paid to outside legal counsel to defend itself in a federal lawsuit filed by a school board member. District officials are citing the appellate decision in LA County Board of Supervisors v. Superior Court as supporting case law. Have you encountered this defense? […]

    August 7, 2020

  • Posts

    Press Rights

    Our California Legislative Priorities Focus on Police Transparency and Press Protections

    The First Amendment Coalition's priorities for the 2021 California legislative session focus on advancing police transparency, strengthening press and protester protections, and opposing government secrecy in all forms. Read our position letters to see where we stand on bills we are monitoring: FAC supports these bills AB 339: Enhances public access to meetings AB […]

    April 6, 2021

  • Asked and Answered


    Police Deny Request for Previously Public Statement Claiming Exemptions

    […] records claiming exemptions. In 2017 police drew guns on a group of black youth at the Target store. After a viral video criticizing the incident was posted and subsequently deleted, the Police released a statement. My request for records from the incident were denied by the police. I would like to challenge their refusal […]

    May 15, 2019