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Showing 1151 - 1160 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Is gender of foster care staff public information?

    We are investigating sexual abuse in aย foster care shelter. We requested the gender for two staff members because they have ambiguous names. The county asserted that Section 6254(c), the personnel records exceptions applies. Staffing decisions at the facility are made based on gender (male staff members are not supposed to oversee female resident's baths), […]

    August 13, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    Publishing a photo showing license plate numbers

    […] place for several minutes. There were two 8 x 11 inched sized "political messages" affixed to the back bumper of the car: 1 on each side of, and close to, the license plate. The car was parked within 15 ft of a preschool classroom and directly across from a row of elementary school classrooms. […]

    June 6, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Are Community Action Agencies Subject to the Brown Act?

    […] subject to the Brown Act since they were created under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, are required to have one-third of their board made up of elected officials, and receive huge amounts of federal and state tax payer monies, etc. But a local newspaper here told us they are not. Can you settle this?

    October 30, 2020

  • Asked and Answered


    What penalties have local governments faced for violating the CPRA?

    I'm developing program to teach our office staff how to handle PRAs, and am looking for some examples of local governments, preferably in California, that have been penalized for not abiding by the terms of the law.ย  Is a lawsuit the only way to remedy it?ย  Can you share any examples?

    September 16, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    If I painted a message on a building I own, can I be charged for creating illegal graffiti?

    […] property, I created political speech by spray painting messages on the side of my building. Even though, I own the building and the City officials know I own it, the city of Baltimore has issued me a housing code violation for graffiti. The artwork has been covered by the news as political speech as well.

    October 12, 2015

  • Latest News

    Press Release

    FAC Victory in โ€œReverse CPRAโ€ Case: Court Orders Disclosure of Records Alleging Misconduct by Milpitas City Official

    […] of substance in tentative rulings. "We are grateful these records will finally be released, but they should have been made public more than a year ago, when newspapers first asked for them under the CPRA," said FAC Executive Director David Snyder. "The fact that it took so long for this information to become public […]

    May 3, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    Countyโ€™s Technical Review

    We recently made a Public Record Request for documents relating to the County's General Plan technical review and technical fix. The request was denied because: "...this draft is still undergoing internal staff and legal review. For that reason, the County is not able to produce the draft, or any memoranda or correspondence relating to […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Multiple CPRA Requests For A Decades Old Homicide Have Been Denied Without Explanation

    I am seeking in formation from the California Department of Justice regarding a 1981 multiple homicide. I have reason to believe the two suspects in the homicides were not arrested because one of the suspects was a confidential informant at the time. I have asked for clarification or other information on the matter but […]

    April 28, 2022

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    School Board Trustees meeting with union reps in violation of Brown Act

    […] to my attention that three of the five members on the School Board meet privately with representatives of the teacher's union to discuss items on the agenda for the upcoming board meeting. There are no public notices for these meetings. My feeling is that the board members will find a way around the Brown […]

    August 29, 2010