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Showing 1141 - 1150 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    My Request to Video a CA Parole Hearing Was Denied. What Are My rights?

    I'm a TV news writer/producer seeking to cover with a small TV camera a parole hearing. I made a written request for video access and never got a response. Yesterday I called the Dept. of Corrections press office, and was told that request was turned down โ€” but without a reason or any indication […]

    April 17, 2019

  • Asked and Answered

    Can A Public Record Be Copyrighted?

    […] a prominent developer on the private cell phone of a city council member; the tone of the voicemail expressed disappointment in a vote, a call to meet and "improve their working relationship" or else "itโ€™s going to be a long two years. I filed a request for the voicemail with and it was provided […]

    April 4, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Is Artist’s Conviction for Pornographic Drawings Legal?

    I draw, from my imagination, pornographic scenes that I sometimes distribute to consenting adults. I have been convicted for possessing pornography for having these drawings. Is my conviction legal?

    June 25, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing Field Interrogation Cards

    I work for a law enforcement agency. I have been requested by a property management security company to search our database for all events and contacts pertaining to an individual who is a transient and a nuisance to their complex. The security company is in the process of obtaining a "Stay Away Order" and […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Writer denied access to coroner’s report on 1947 Black Dahlia case

    […] in California in 1947. I have asked the LAPD for its file on this case, which has been refused under section 6254(f) of the CPRA. The FBI and DA have disclosed their files on the case (the FBI with heavy redactions).The LA County Coroner's Office refuses to disclose the coroner's report pursuant to a […]

    June 10, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Public Comment Limits Don’t Allow Time To Make Case

    […] even when making a case that disagrees with what staff is recommending. They are not very nice about this severe limit. I am the president of the local taxpayers association, and I often present input from many others, rather than require each of them to participate. Is this practice of limiting the publicโ€™s participation appropriate?

    May 29, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Can newspaper publish captured police-scanner audio of gunfight?

    […] the gunfight between Sheriffโ€™s deputies and Chris Dorner--the ex-LAPD police officer and former United States Navy reservist who was charged in connection with a series of shooting attacks on police officers. We recalled a challenge to being able to post such information in the past. Is it legal/defensible for a newspaper to publish this information?

    May 7, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Filing a Vacancy by Closed Session Appointment

    […] hours prior to the beginning of the School Board meeting.ย  The appointment decision was made at that meeting. Should the agenda state the names of the applicants who were interviewed during the meeting? If a public citizen asked to see the application material and was turned down, is that a violation of the Brown Act?

    June 14, 2009