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  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    Kern County Superior Court Agrees to Ensure Public Access During Pandemic

    […] executive director of the First Amendment Coalition. "Secret court proceedings are anathema to our system of government, and so we are grateful that they once again are open to the people of Kern County." Read the settlement agreement here. Read the June 2020 lawsuit here. MEDIA CONTACTS David Snyder Executive Director First Amendment Coalition […]

    January 11, 2021

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Non-Agenda Items, Emergency Items, and the Brown Act

    […] may have a violation of the Brown Act. A non-agenda item was brought up and "deemed" an emergency and was voted upon. This after the City Attorney opened the meeting and stated that "the item" would not be discussed. The alleged emergency does not fit any of the emergency statements listed in the Brown […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    A Board member vs. public member rights under PRA

    […] am an elected board member of myย local Fire Protection District. I have requested information from our fire chief (e.g. audio/video recording of board meetings, copies of invoices) and I have been told that as a board member I must follow different rules then the public. I have been told I must make my request […]

    March 23, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA School Records

    School district denies all complaint related CPRA requests

    […] Regulations, Section 4630: "All parties involved in allegations in a complaint shall be notified when a complaint is filed, when a complaint meeting or hearing is scheduled, and when a decision or ruling is made." Allegations via the above code were filed against our family by parents involved in targeting and harassing our 7-year-old […]

    May 21, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Personal privacy exemption for public college dean

    […] the kennel where she boards her dog from international locales from that phone. I got the phone bills but all the phone numbers were redacted citing Cali fornia Government Code ยง6254(c); Cal. Civil Code ยง1798.42. I am looking for some guidance as to how to draft a response arguing that these phone numbers should […]

    October 17, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Pending Workman compensation claims

    […] (tort claim submitted to school district was a public record under the California Public Records Act and had to be disclosed even while claim was still " open," or pending). Conceivably, this might also apply if the claim involved a private employer whose workers' compensation insurer was the State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF), a […]

    June 14, 2009