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Showing 1221 - 1230 of 1525 results

  • Latest News

    The Bancrofts, Murdoch, and the WSJ

    […] baron Rupert Murdochโ€™s crucial insight was that everyone has his (or her) price, even the thirty-five members of the Bancroft family who control ownership of the venerable newspaper company. This may seem obvious now, but until Murdoch made his $5 billion offer for Dow Jones, the conventional wisdom was that the families that control […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Latest News


    First Amendment Kiss-Off: Judge Judith Bartnoff

    […] about the First Amendment. In a recent case involving a dispute between a law firm and its former client, the judge issued a TRO forbidding a legal newspaper, the National Law Journal, from publishing information about a Federal Trade Commission investigation of the client, even though the newspaper had obtained the information legally. Such […]

    September 22, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Can public access city’s internal investigation report?

    Can an internal investigation conducted by a city be obtained by an individual. The essence of the investigation is the purchase of equipment from a company and paying twice the amount quoted by another company for the same exact equipment. The difference in price was $25,000. The copy of the outcome of the investigation […]

    October 27, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Obligation to post minutes if no action is taken

    […] was taken? The superintendent has told me no minutes need to be taken unless action or a vote was taken?This "Special Meeting" had one agenda Item listed and that was "Strategic Planning Session." Public comment was allowed only at the beginning of the two day meeting (Board members and select public only). This meeting […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does the Brown Act apply to city council appointed committees?

    ย Does the Brown Act apply to city council appointed committees?ย ย If it does, how is a city supposed to conduct the necessary extended deliberations critical to producing good decisions regarding (among other things) public services and expenditures of public funds?

    August 15, 2015

  • Posts

    First Amendment Press Rights

    FAC Urges Alameda Board of Supervisors to Reject Ordinance that Criminalizes Observing or Reporting on Sideshows

    UPDATE: On 6/26/2023 FAC and the Society of Professional Journalists sent a second letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors in advance of their 6/27 meeting reiterating the same points. This afternoon, FAC sent a letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors urging them to reject an ordinance that would make it […]

    June 13, 2023

  • Asked and Answered


    Police and Fire Department Records

    To whom it may concern.ย  I am seeking assistance in obtaining a couple of reports from our City and the fire department.ย  I had already walked in my request for public information and still have not received any written response.ย  Today I visited in person the fire department and asked what the status of […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News


    Can a journalist โ€œplead the fifthโ€ to avoid having to name a confidential source? A federal judge say yes.

    […] journalist who asserts the fifth amendment is acknowledging only that he does what investigative journalists do---persuade sources in government, corporations, political parties and other institutions to disclose newsworthy information that is in the public interest. In pleading the fifth, a journalist does not acknowledge the criminal nature of that transaction, only that a prosecutor […]

    December 16, 2013