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Showing 1061 - 1070 of 1525 results

  • Posts

    FAC, ACLU Letter in Support of Tuolumne County’s Proposed Repeal of Public Records Fee Ordinance

    Today FAC and the ACLU of Northern California sent the letter below to the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors urging it to repeal Chapter 3.44 of the Tuolumne County Ordinance Code, which allows the county to charge for staff time to search for, compile, and deliver records in response to California Public Records Act […]

    February 5, 2024

  • Asked and Answered


    Agency missed CPRA request deadline

    On August 18, 2010, I submitted a public records request. I received a response stating that they will take 60-90 days to provide the records. In GC 6250 …an extension can only be for 14 days. What do I do now? Who would I contact regarding this non-compliance?

    October 12, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    California Board of Equalization public access rules

    Does the  California Board of Equalization have any special exemptions or dispensations from the California public records act or public access to documents it archives?

    January 7, 2011

  • Latest News

    Press Release

    Reporter Sues Alameda County for Sideshow Law That Criminalizes Journalism

    […] of a "sideshow" for the purpose of observing it. This law has prevented Garcia, who writes using another family name, "Jose Fermoso," from covering sideshows as a newsworthy public safety issue, and is a violation of his First Amendment rights. The county characterizes a sideshow as a "street race, or reckless driving exhibition" that […]

    July 2, 2024

  • Asked and Answered


    Can a fee be charged for requesting public documents held in storage?

    I recently submitted a Public Records Act request in my city.  I have just been told that I will be charged a $33.25 fee for retrieving documents from storage.  Is this legal?  It certainly does not seem consistent with the PRA documentation I have read.

    June 12, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    Why did one county deny a PRA request that most others quickly fulfill?

    I am trying to request information on a backflow test device report forms from each city in the county. Many cities have already complied however a few are citing the code 6254.16 in the CPRA because the backflow device usually has a meter connected and is over seen by the water or public works department […]

    July 25, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Tax Document Exemptions from Public Records Requests

    We requested consultant contracts from the county office of education, but the in formation we received was incomplete.  We've thought of requesting the list of consultants who received an IRS 1099 form, but we're concerned that we would be denied the information on the grounds that it falls under the "tax" exclusion section of […]

    June 24, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing bids for public contracts

    […] proposal turned in my another contractor.  The irrigation district’s general counsel refused the request and quoted Times Mirror v. Superior Court. Public bids are read aloud at the time of opening and are subject to review at that time by any one, how is it now he can refuse me the opportunity to review the bid?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Obtaining records of traffic citations

    […] 4 different agencies issue traffic citations in San Diego. These citations are then fed into the computers at the traffic courts.I would like to obtain weekly records from the traffic courts, containing details of all the citations issued during the previous fortnight.How could I go about ensuring that I can obtain this information in California?

    June 14, 2009