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Showing 1031 - 1040 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Public comment vs. speaking on agenda item

    I sit on a local municipal advisory committee and some time ago we added a standing item to our agendas entitled "Committee Reports" so that council members who sit on these committees or work groups can report out. There are four such reports listed at the end of our agenda. At the beginning of […]

    September 27, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does the Brown Act Allow Consultant’s Report Reviewed in Closed Sessions?

    I am working on a story about a consultant's work for a California County. I was told recently that the Board of Supervisors heard a report in closed session last month on a pilot project the consultant had done. This has been a sensitive issue so I can understand why they'd want to hear […]

    January 6, 2020

  • Asked and Answered

    Bagley-Keene Act Brown Act

    What is the Brown Act statute of limitations?

    […] only only a 90-day window of opportunity to submit a Cure & Correct letter, but I do not see that spelled out in the Brown Act itself. Where is the statute of limitations spelled out? And if it is only 90 days, are there lawsuits that have been successful in having that deadline set aside?

    February 3, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I be charged $6000 for staff time needed to find and redact requested records?

    […] supply the records because of the staff time it will supposedly take to compile them all from the various warehouses in which the paper records are stored. And they want to charge for the time spent reacting the forms. They claim that they are authorized to do this because the Business and Professions Code […]

    March 2, 2016

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA and copyright

    […] exempt from disclosure. Additionally, they said they will sell it, but the cost is $150,000. The CA Attorney General just provided an Opinion that county digital tax map data is public record.See http://caag.state.ca.us/opinions/published/04-1105.pdf.Is County correct in saying their data is exempt just because it's copyrighted?I could not find a copyright registration to support their claim.

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I access teacher absentee rates at public school?

    I am just wondering how I can find out the rate of teacher absenteeism at my school. This information seems to be difficult to find, and yet absenteeism has been a big issue for my daughter's education. She has been taught by substitute after substitute. Please advise as to what the source of this […]

    March 18, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records CPRA First Amendment FOIA

    Appellate Case Court Records

    […] cases on file for me. There is, in fact a case on file but not what I asked for. I made 2nd FOIA request for same information. And their response was they did not keep those kind of statistics and referred me to www.courtinfo.ca.gov. This is not what I requested and only lists unpublished […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    CHP said I could view dashboard video, but all my requests have been denied

    […] CHP officer crashed near me while I was pulled over (engine off) on the shoulder of a highway in California. He seemed under the influence of something and wrote me a simple speeding ticket, although I was parked on the side of the road. Then I had to wait an hour until his supervisor […]

    November 12, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I withdraw part of a CPRA request?

    I have a request pending with a government agency, and based on questions answered in an interview, I would like to withdraw a portion of the request. Is it possible to withdraw a portion of a request under California public records law? Or would withdrawing a portion nullify my rights to the other records […]

    August 16, 2013