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Showing 1051 - 1060 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Must An Agency Provide Translation Services for Board Members Who Need Them?

    We work with a number of local water boards. Community Service Districts and Public Utility Districts. which are required to comply with the Brown Act. The boards we work with are typically in disadvantaged communities, where Spanish is the language of a large number of residents (if not the majority). I have been trying […]

    December 14, 2020

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I access teacher absentee rates at public school?

    I am just wondering how I can find out the rate of teacher absenteeism at my school. This information seems to be difficult to find, and yet absenteeism has been a big issue for my daughter's education. She has been taught by substitute after substitute. Please advise as to what the source of this […]

    March 18, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    California Board of Equalization public access rules

    Does theย  California Board of Equalization have any special exemptions or dispensations from the California public records act or public access to documents it archives?

    January 7, 2011

  • Latest News

    Press Release

    Reporter Sues Alameda County for Sideshow Law That Criminalizes Journalism

    […] of a "sideshow" for the purpose of observing it. This law has prevented Garcia, who writes using another family name, "Jose Fermoso," from covering sideshows as a newsworthy public safety issue, and is a violation of his First Amendment rights. The county characterizes a sideshow as a "street race, or reckless driving exhibition" that […]

    July 2, 2024

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    CHP said I could view dashboard video, but all my requests have been denied

    […] CHP officer crashed near me while I was pulled over (engine off) on the shoulder of a highway in California. He seemed under the influence of something and wrote me a simple speeding ticket, although I was parked on the side of the road. Then I had to wait an hour until his supervisor […]

    November 12, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    Can a fee be charged for requesting public documents held in storage?

    I recently submitted a Public Records Act request in my city.ย  I have just been told that I will be charged aย $33.25 fee for retrieving documents from storage.ย  Is thisย legal?ย  It certainly does not seem consistent with the PRA documentation I have read.

    June 12, 2014

  • Latest News


    FAC, SPJ NorCal Release Template for Requesters Facing Delayed Access

    FAC and the Freedom of Information Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists Northern California chapter today published a new tool to help overcome barriers to public information. Some state and local entities in California have stopped responding to requests made under the Public Records Act citing the COVID-19 health emergency. The following is […]

    March 27, 2020

  • Asked and Answered


    Animal shelters deny CPRA request for names of rescue orgs we want to support

    Our volunteer group requested animal shelter records on animals that were impounded at a few city/county shelters. Among the in formation we requested related to these animal records was the name of the responding rescue organization that "rescued" the dog from the shelter. We have been told that the shelter(s) will not release the […]

    October 16, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    Why did one county deny a PRA request that most others quickly fulfill?

    I am trying to request information on a backflow test device report forms from each city in the county. Many cities have already complied however a few are citing the code 6254.16 in the CPRA because the backflow device usually has a meter connected and is over seen by the water or public works department […]

    July 25, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I be charged $6000 for staff time needed to find and redact requested records?

    […] supply the records because of the staff time it will supposedly take to compile them all from the various warehouses in which the paper records are stored. And they want to charge for the time spent reacting the forms. They claim that they are authorized to do this because the Business and Professions Code […]

    March 2, 2016