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Showing 1071 - 1080 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Does the PRA apply to community college records

    A recent student survey was conducted by my community college's general emailing service. Can I send a CPRA request form to the community college to receive the results of the survey?

    April 12, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    University of California Press

    […] am a journalist working on a book about a cult that was active in southern California in the 90s.ย  As part of my research, I am trying to obtain records from the University of California Press about a book they published.ย  My hope is to obtain the minutes of the editorial committee meeting relating […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment Police Records

    I couldn’t video tape my own arrest, but a reality show was allowed

    […] insisted I could film a public proceeding such as my own arrest, the "warden" brutalized my hand until I had to let go of the camera. My questions are: 1. am I not allowed to film my own arrest if I am not bothering any other aspect of the arrest? and 2. Does not […]

    September 4, 2011

  • Cases

    Garcia v. County of Alameda

    FAC represents Jose Fermoso, a reporter for The Oaklandside, in a challenge to Alameda Countyโ€™s sideshow spectator ordinance that criminalizes journalism by making it unlawful to observe a sideshow from any closer than 200 feet.

    July 12, 2024

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I appeal a records request denial from State Medical Board?

    I made a request to the California Medical Board for licensing application information. The Medical Board denied my request and offered no avenues for appeal. By my reading of relevant case law, and admittedly I am not a lawyer, this information is clearly not exempt from the Public Records Act. Are there avenues for […]

    August 22, 2011

  • Latest News

    Q&A: FAC Legal Director David Loy on the right to honk your horn as a form of expression

    […] demonstration. While the citation was dismissed when deputies failed to show in court, Porter argues her speech has been chilled by the threat of continued enforcement. FACโ€™s newest team member, Legal Director David Loy, brought the case on behalf of Porter while he worked at the ACLU, and he continues to represent Porter in […]

    February 16, 2022

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police deny request for 911 tape

    […] denied because it was not deemed contemporaneous. The denial was based on the 1993 Kuzar case. It is my understanding that case recognizes that forcing agencies to search for old records could saddle them with a heavy financial burden. But in this case, itโ€™s likely the 911 tape is easily accessible. Also, if the […]

    December 30, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Can I access history of code violations using the CPRA?

    I filed a code violation complaint in 2005 because of hoarding and abandoned vehicles on a neighbor's easement.ย  Many things have transpired since but I cannot get an answer to why the County did not simply warn the owner; clean up and bill him as muni. code states & as building inspector has told […]

    June 4, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Must An Agency Provide Translation Services for Board Members Who Need Them?

    We work with a number of local water boards. Community Service Districts and Public Utility Districts. which are required to comply with the Brown Act. The boards we work with are typically in disadvantaged communities, where Spanish is the language of a large number of residents (if not the majority). I have been trying […]

    December 14, 2020