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Showing 81 - 90 of 1082 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Is US’s federally-funded research exempt from CPRA?

    […] who paid for them to be generated; rather, if the agency is in possession of the records, then those records are presumptively subject to disclosure unless some exemption applies. Furthermore, a "state agency" includes state universities.  Gov't Code § 6252(f).  Thus, the Public Records Act applies to UC Berkeley and its records. See, e.g., California […]

    March 19, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Newsgathering Police Records

    Can I access driver ID’s from traffic-stop police reports?

    I am working on a story about traffic stops and would like to request the city's police department for records related to about 10 incidents involving drivers with suspended licenses (I have the incident numbers). But before I make my request: Can the police department deny me accessing the name, address or other fields […]

    April 16, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA Exemptions for Drafts

    […] it would not be provided until it is completed. In actuality, this is supposedly ready to go to the Planning Commission in two weeks. This all seems like a delay tactic. Have read your answers about reports in draft form. This response does not seem to meet the exemption requirements. Thank you for any clarification.

    April 2, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    Is County Fire Chief’s Association subject to CPRA?

    My County’s fire service is attempting to take over the emergency ambulance service contracted by the County (currently outsourced to private ambulance firms). I submitted a CPRA for the contract with the fire service consultant. The cities subsequently denied the contract or stated they were in contract negotiations and would not release. I have […]

    April 15, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Denied access to file detailing code violations

    The city department of Code Enforcement wants to fine me $2500 per day up to $100,000 for code violations at my resident. When I made a public record request to see the evidence that the City’s has gathered on my property, it was denied stating that the case is still open and considered an […]

    December 26, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records CPRA First Amendment Police Records

    Sheriff’s office refuses to release crime report unless I am a victim

    […] met.  You might also try submitting a request to the district attorney under the PRA for any records related to the case.  While the same investigatory records exemption that applies to the police would also apply to the DA, any charging documents or other documents the district attorney filed with the court would be subject […]

    November 16, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA FOIA Police Records

    Obtaining concluded investigative reports

    […] are not obtainable," I assume you are dealing with local law enforcement and not the FBI.That is unfortunate because the California Supreme Court has held that the exemption to the California Public Records Act for police investigatory files goes on forever, even years after the investigation is concluded. That case is Williams v. Superior […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Can law enforcement seal a search warrant that gathered evidence on a civil case?

    […] agency use a search warrant to gather evidence in an anticipated civil case? 2) Can that same agency seal a search warrant used solely to acquire information for an expected civil case? 3) Where can I find the law on this, so that I may reference it in conversations with this agency? Thank you […]

    August 19, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Non-response to FOIA request

    […] done. Moreover, the FOIA provides a mechanism to deal with unusually burdensome requests which an agency would not be able to process within the prescribed time limits. For such requests, the FOIA requires that an agency inform the requester that the request cannot be processed within the time limits and provide an opportunity for […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Third time no charm: University denies documents, offers no explanation

    The university where I work denied a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request that involved analysis of information that provided justification for a university policy.  After the denial I refined my letter to request specific documents. However, they haven't responded at to my second request, or to a follow up after ten working days had elapsed.

    February 4, 2011