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Showing 51 - 60 of 1075 results

  • Asked and Answered


    City Wrongly Applying “Deliberative Process Exemption” To Requested Records

    […] City administration is wrongfully terminating employees as punishment for asking for disability retirement. I am a victim. They are withholding emails by wrongfully applying the deliberative process exemption to protect themselves from lawsuit for the wrongful termination. I have written proof. I have contacted this agency once before using this form but never got […]

    February 9, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does Brown Act allow City secrecy about power plant plans?

    […] plant. The 5-year CEC permit is about to expire. Can the City keep secret the development map and property owners names on the building extension petition? The petition for another 5-year extension was filed with the CEC before the Council "formally" voted its support. Isn’t it suppose to be approved by vote and then filed?

    June 14, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Access to public records denied during business hours

    […] , I have gone to the Park and Recreation Department to review public records (on site, in the building) during normal business hours and I have been sent away. If at all possible, I would like to file a motion this week to force the department to allow me access to these and other records.

    November 21, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Are police dashboard-cam videos exempt from the CPRA?

    […] cam. I've asked for the video through CPRA requests to the district attorney's office and the city and been denied, with both agencies citing the investigatory files exemption. I'm now petitioning the juvenile court to release the record from the arrestee's file, and through his attorney I understand the juvenile is supporting the video's […]

    March 18, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA First Amendment

    How can I get around the CPRA “catch-all” exemption?

    A recent CPRA request  to the  California Department of  Justice resulted in a partial denial of responsive records; they claimed the deliberative process exemption for the records not provided (citing Times Mirror). If a process is not related to something truly requiring secrecy, are there any options to pursue this information and what would […]

    October 19, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Are the officer’s emails exempt from access under the CA Public Records Act?

    I am considering filing an open records request under the Cali fornia Public records act for the internal emails of a police sergeant.I suspect there is information related to misconduct on an issue not related to any open criminal case or crime investigation. Are the officer's emails exempt under the law, or would the […]

    September 22, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    Tax Document Exemptions from Public Records Requests

    We requested consultant contracts from the county office of education, but the in formation we received was incomplete.  We've thought of requesting the list of consultants who received an IRS 1099 form, but we're concerned that we would be denied the information on the grounds that it falls under the "tax" exclusion section of […]

    June 24, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Are worker’s comp claims public documents?

    Cali fornia's Labor Code provides that "xcept as expressly permitted , a person or public or private entity not a party to a claim for workers' compensation benefits may not obtain individually identifiable information obtained or maintained by the division on that claim. For purposes of this section, 'individually identifiable information' means any data […]

    July 27, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Animal shelter won’t disclose contact info on local cat trapper

    […] for this information. We always recommend making a request in writing, which obligates the County to respond in writing—however, regardless of form, the agency was required to cite any exemptions it is claiming and describe how the exemption applies to the records.  Gov’t Code § 6253(c).  It appears they did not, and we are left to […]

    June 15, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Access to Police Officer personnel files

    Basically, what I want from the city is: 1. The former chief's personnel file (including his contract, etc.) 2. The investigation documents (which I'm assuming would specify allegations, testimonies, etc.) 3. The former chief's termination action (which I'm assuming he received in writing). Do I legally have access to any of these things? Also, […]

    June 14, 2009