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  • Latest News

    For Google, Facebook et al, the best defense against NSA surveillance is not legal reform, but technology that forces the agency to come through the “front door”

    […] of information, photos etc. on social media, will not be compromised. Customers believe those assurances. They do so not because they think the tech companies are a new species of corporation, different from traditional businesses in their focus on profits and growth. On the contrary, they trust Google, Facebook et al because, when it […]

    January 7, 2014

  • Latest News


    Prop 8 Supreme Court hearing is best evidence yet for allowing cameras into the courtroom

    […] in the context of a continuum of legal precedent. While they may have expected to see a partisan foodfight, instead they saw thoughtful and well-informed judges asking questions of the lawyers to test the applicability of general legal principles to the specific facts of this case. It is an exercise that, among other things, […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing Termination of Employment Records

    1) My former employer violated my privacy by releasing reasons why I was terminated to the public which was different from the reason that he has given me in writing. 2) I recently asked for copies of my emails pursuant to public records act and the City denied me them. .

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA for personal medical record

    I recently submitted a CPRA request inquiring about my personal medical record. The CPRA was accepted but certain information that I requested was forwarded to several medical departments, requiring their consent to disclose. If a document is not responded to through a CPRA, what are my further options, or entitlements (preceding an expensive court action)?

    April 20, 2016

  • Asked and Answered


    Audio Recording, Meetings

    Is it legal in Cali fornia for a homeowner to secretly tape a HOA meeting. What rights do I have as a homeowner when I find that I have unknowingly been taped of my comments as a homeowner at a monthly HOA meeting? Does any homeowner have the right to tape without disclosure? Does […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC Sues CA Attorney General to Force Disclosure of Police Misconduct Files

    The First Amendment Coalition (FAC)filed suit todayagainst California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for failing to comply with the stateโ€™s new, landmark police transparency law. The suit, filed in San Francisco Superior Court, seeks the release of records regarding serious police misconductโ€”records that all state and local agencies are now required to disclose under Senate […]

    February 14, 2019

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Cure and correct Brown Act violations

    […] access to meetings that we think should be open.ย  The county board of supervisors passed a resolution to create a technical advisory committee (TAC) to manage a new large-scale commercial solid waste transfer station in this area. This committee is made up of staff members at the city and county level and they have […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    When is a non-profit board subject to the Brown Act?

    I am Chief of Staff at a hospital that is part of a nationwide health care service, and an ex officio member of the hospital Board. Hospital executives have twice dismissed me from the Board room while they conducted official business in my absence. (I am the only Board member not appointed by the […]

    May 3, 2013

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC Fights Secret Hearings in Death Penalty Case

    […] Director David Snyder, with contributions from legal intern Betty Heeso Kim, student at UC Irvine School of Law. Read the court records: FAC brief opposing courtroom closure Cruz motion to close the courtroom District Attorney response to defense motion New: Cruz reply brief 10/20/20 For more information: David Snyder Executive Director, First Amendment Coalition fac@firstamendmentcoalition.org

    September 28, 2020