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Showing 941 - 950 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA First Amendment

    How can I get around the CPRA “catch-all” exemption?

    […] California Department ofย  Justice resulted in a partial denial of responsive records; they claimed the deliberative process exemption for the records not provided (citing Times Mirror). If a process is not related to something truly requiring secrecy, are there any options to pursue this information and what would be the appropriate response to their letter?

    October 19, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    COVID-19 Prohibition On Public Gatherings Prevented Me From Speaking to the Public

    Iโ€™m a federal whistleblower whoโ€™s been shut out of a local board of supervisors public meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and new laws disallowing public gatherings. Therefore I was denied the chance to go on the record to the public about county officials polluting millions of gallons of stormwater. How can I redress […]

    January 20, 2021

  • Posts

    First Amendment

    Groups Urge Fresno County to Reject Book Ban

    […] of Supervisors advising them that the amended ordinance was still unconstitutional. The letter states: "The Amended Resolution is just as invasive, just as overbroad, just as vague, and just as unnecessary" as the original resolution. Today with the ACLU of Northern California, Freedom to Read Foundation, and PEN America, FAC sent a letter to […]

    November 7, 2023

  • Latest News


    Prop 8 Supreme Court hearing is best evidence yet for allowing cameras into the courtroom

    […] in the context of a continuum of legal precedent. While they may have expected to see a partisan foodfight, instead they saw thoughtful and well-informed judges asking questions of the lawyers to test the applicability of general legal principles to the specific facts of this case. It is an exercise that, among other things, […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Know your rights when protesting in public space

    […] our public beach to be safe for pedestrians.ย  When we go onto the beach, we are threatened by the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Division of California State Parks and Recreation who uses our beach as a highway to the Oceano Dunes Recreation Area in Oceano, California.ย  The OHV now says we have to have a […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Do trade publications have same speech protections as other journalists?

    My company owns a website and private news source for a trade Industry. We are having concerns about our First Amendment protections. The website and news company is a business operation of our parent company. I would like to inquire about whether our direct ownership of the site conflicts with any First Amendment or […]

    September 28, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    City Council Met Prior to Public Meeting and Made Last-Minute Agenda Changes

    I requested and received emails from the City regarding a developer's plan that was not made public. The mayor and a council member met before a public hearing in which the agenda was changed at the last minute. The vote was 4-1 in favor of the road we were promised would not go in. […]

    May 17, 2018