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Showing 901 - 910 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Sheriff refuses access to complaint

    Two years ago, I filed a citizens complaint with the Sheriffโ€™s Department. This complaint was against the sheriff and his deputies. I have requested copies of all documents compiled in their internal investigation and they have informed me that documents concerning personnel are exempt. I just want copies of my complaint plus any correspondence […]

    January 10, 2012

  • Latest News


    Thanks to AGโ€™s threats to indict press in leak cases, reporters need not rely on 1st Amendment to protect sources. They can take the Fifth.

    […] stated publicly that he believes journalists may be prosecuted under federal espionage laws for publishing articles based on leaks of classified information. The comments, in an ABC News interview, were directed at the New York Times (for its disclosures about NSAโ€™s warrantless eavesdropping) and the Washington Post (for stories about foreign countriesโ€™ assistance in […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Bagley-Keene Act

    Is a task force a โ€œstate bodyโ€ under the Bagley-Keene Act?

    Caltrans is holding Highway Task Force meetings and it has been announced that these meetings will not be open to the public. I received the following reply from the Caltrans public affairs: Since this is not a public meeting, the task force meeting will be made up of 10 members from each community that […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Police Records

    How Can I Access Florida Police Body-Camera Videos?

    Can you please guide me on how to get police body-worn camera videos from a Florida law en forcement agency that have not been provided in response to a freedom of information act. Nor were they included in discovery for a criminal case. I believe there is damning evidence on the video of police […]

    June 7, 2021

  • Asked and Answered


    How do I protect rape victims in my reporting?

    I've recently been confronted with how terrible journalistic protocol is around telling the stories of rape and assault survivors. The nature of the crimes committed against them mean that they're often uncorroborated or unwitnessed and the hostile environment of the internet means that victims who come forward at all are hounded. Is there a […]

    February 11, 2017

  • Asked and Answered


    Does “Deliberative Process Privilege” Allow California governor to Withhold Communications Relating to Voter-Mandated Study?

    I submitted a California Public Records Act request to the California Department of Public Health, Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), Gov. Newsom, CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration and Attorney General Xavier Becerra regarding the voter mandated nonprofit feasibility study required by the text of CA Prop 64. I received a response from […]

    March 13, 2020

  • Latest News

    Prop 8โ€™s victory, reinstating ban on same sex marriage, is big loss for California Supreme Court, but damage not irreparable

    […] voters' narrow approval of Proposition 8 effectively reverses the high Court's controversial decision, earlier this year, extending the right to marry to same-sex couples. The Court k new the risks. The statute it declared unconstitutional in In re Marriage Cases was itself the result of a state (statutory) ballot initiative in 2000. In overturning […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Are Construction Permits Accessible Under the CPRA?

    We are doing an investigation about a non-profit organization in Cali fornia. We tried to request construction permit information from the county where the organization's building is located. The county denied our request for this information, claiming that this is not available to the public. Is it legal to deny this kind of information? […]

    April 26, 2022

  • Asked and Answered


    How long are routine County surveillance records archived?

    […] was able to retrieve dash-cam footage of the incident. However, upon review the County sent me footage from the wrong incident. The data that indicates the date and time of the footage was left out, perhaps intentionally. I am still attempting to retrieve the proper footage to pursue my case. Do you know how […]

    May 6, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Blog post results in threats of defamation

    […] online blog author that highlights the stories of sexual abuse victims. My most recent story highlights a known public figure as the perpetrator in an abuse sc andal. The identification of the perpetrator was disclosed by the victim throughout numerous interviews, and thus included in my story. After publishing the story, I received a […]

    April 8, 2016