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Showing 701 - 710 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Are police informant contracts subject to the PRA?

    I am a journalist investigating the local County Narcotics task force and their use of confidential informants. I know the task force has their informants sign contracts - I want to file a public records request for full disclosure of said contracts. I know they will likely deny this, but is there any way to […]

    April 27, 2016

  • Pages

    Asked & Answered

    A searchable database of responses from FAC’s lawyers to previous Legal Hotline questions posed by users like you about their rights under open government laws and the First Amendment. The information you are looking for may be here, but if it is not, please feel free to submit a request to our Legal Hotline.

    July 3, 2024

  • Latest News

    Regulators analyzing MediaNews’ acquisition…

    Regulators analyzing Media News’ acquisition of the San Jose Merc, CC Times and Monterey Herald will focus on role of Hearst, owner of SF Chronicle. Will publishers disclose their secret antitrust filings? By Peter Scheer The MediaNews Group, which proposes to buy the San Jose Mercury News, Contra Costa Times, Monterey Herald, and 30 […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    School Superintendent Goals: Public or Private?

    Under the Brown Act, does a school board have the obligation to disclose the goals they set for the district superintendent of schools? Similarly, do they have the obligation to disclose the evaluation criteria for the superintendent of schools? The evaluation criteria for teachers is in the public record, so why not the same […]

    August 14, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    City Employee Information and Privacy

    […] director in our city says the city has a policy requiring written consent from any past employee before releasing information about the individual's employment there, including dates of employment. My questions: 1. Is this a permissible policy under state public records law and 2. Can I request a former policeman’s personnel file from the city?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Political sign bans by housing that receive public funds

    I want to put a campaign in my apartment window but my particular apartment lease has a restriction in it barring political yard/window signs. Is this a violation of the First Amendment? My complex is funded by a special type state loan -- a California Housing Finance Agency loan. Might this circumstance lend support […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records CPRA Police Records

    Can I be denied access to files on decades-old, closed murder case?

    I am researching a decades-old murder.  I have spoken with the DA’s Chief Inspector about the case and he is unwilling to share any information with me whatsoever. Therefore, my only real recourse is to attempt to secure relevant files, videos, pictures, coroner’s report, police report, and notes the information via a FOIA request. That having […]

    April 10, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    Can’t flush out City’s drainage report

    We are in a dispute with developer regarding a drainage diversion across ourproperty. Many months ago we asked the City for help and they  hiredanoutside engineer and geologist to conduct an investigation. After about three months, the engineer has been paid for several tasks relating to this, but the City has provided no information […]

    May 4, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Attempting to access phone call recordings made from jail

    I want to request a copy of the recordings or transcripts of phone calls placed by an inmate at the County Jail. Are there cases or laws that I can use in my request to argue for releasing this media?

    January 13, 2016