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Showing 691 - 700 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I access attorney’s retainer agreement and invoices via the Public Records Act?

    […] and received no response. In reviewing the board's packet, I noticed another payment for a "consultant," so I sent my former PRA request again and added the new item. Hearing nothing again, I inquired; the secretary said she had been sick. At the board meeting last week, she said she would scan the requested […]

    July 2, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA School Records

    Are School Board Committee Meetings Subject to the Brown Act?

    […] my child's Charter school. The elections committee deemed me unqualified under their recently changed bylaws (amended after the application deadline). I requested to attend Election Committee meetings, and was told they are not subject to Brown Act. I submitted a PRA for all minutes and communications from Election Committee meetings, and was told there […]

    February 6, 2018

  • Latest News


    Your right to COVID-19 outbreak data

    […] pandemic-related data being collected across the state. We are urging our stateโ€™s highest court to grant review ina public records casebrought by a coalition of San Diego news organizations to force the disclosure of detailed data about COVID-19 outbreaks in the community.This data, which is collected and reported by a large number of employers, […]

    September 2, 2021

  • Asked and Answered


    Using Public Records Act to find a school executives’ salaries

    I am a student looking to improve my underst anding of executive compensation at my school and other schools in our region. When I contact the other schools, I cannot obtain hard information. The school administrations simply ignore my emails. I can usually get access to salary schedules, which are a framework for determining […]

    July 19, 2012

  • Asked and Answered

    Accessing A Prison Visit Audio Transcript in Maine

    I am helping a former inmate in Maine write a documentary on his case and we are trying to access a recording or a transcript of two conversations: the first took place at the prison and the second was a phone call that was made by the inmate from prison. We attempted to access […]

    March 6, 2020

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    When a public official works remotely from a religious institution

    […] to the public on occasion, is generally open to the public during the day, but not evening hours, has mormon literature displayed and visible.ย  They also have people who approach you and ask questions and attempt conversion. It's unclear if the teleconference is being held in a separate room or in their main entrance way.

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    Are Special Districts covered by Brown Act, CPRA?

    I'm trying to track down the California law that authorizes special districts. It almost seems as if once in place and appointed, the dependent districts fall off the radar and don't want to be known about or have their actions/inactions challenged. The one I'm battling seems to have never heard of the Brown Act […]

    January 2, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Will attorney/client privilege keep me from learning how County is spending bond money?

    […] use funds from a CSA (County Service Area), which is involved in a lawsuit. What was presented to the people in the ballot said nothing about using the funds for the legal defense of the County. Is the information I requested attorney client privilege or is it public information? I look forward to your response.

    June 8, 2015

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC files suit for logs showing who visited LA’s County Assessor in jail

    […] Jassy and Gary Bostwick of the firm of Bostwick & Jassy in LA. FAC is a section 501C(3) nonprofit organization focused on issues of freedom of speech, open-government and government accountability. FACโ€™s other current litigation includes cases challenging sanctions against public records requestors; a FOIA suit for US Justice Department memos on the "targeted […]

    March 1, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Denied request for identities of homicide victims four years after the crime

    […] you may be able to help with. I'm trying to verify the identities of some homicide victims, four years after the crime. I've asked for the name and date of birth of the victims, but the department says they may not release the info. Do you know if and when they must release that […]

    November 16, 2014