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Showing 591 - 600 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    County Ignores My Requests For Public Records

    I have had a long-running battle with the county's Community Development Agency on them altering Tax Assessor real estate records in order to approve an out-of-proportion large new house construction. CDA rules dictate new houses have to be average to the neighborhood. What CDA did was inflate the neighborhood average size, the part that […]

    August 7, 2020

  • Posts

    First Amendment Press Rights

    FAC Co-Signs Letter in Support of Journalism Students at L.A. City College

    […] author visited campus. The college administration needs to be more proactive in educating its leadership, department chairs, faculty and staff about student journalists’ rights to cover the news on campus, including accessing areas and events open to students, other campus members and/or the public. State and federal courts have repeatedly affirmed that student journalists […]

    May 31, 2023

  • Latest News


    Candidates disclose tax returns because media demand them. Why not use same strategy for campaign contributions?

    […] shortest path to disclosure of political contributions is not through Congress or courts, but for the press to demand the info from Romney and Obama, creating a new political norm based on voters' expectations. The precedent is the existing political norm requiring release of candidates' tax returns--a norm that Romney can't resist much longer. […]

    August 25, 2012

  • Latest News

    Blog FAC News

    Honoring Reb Rebele (1930-2023)

    […] where he was editor of the Stanford Daily. He met his future wife, Patricia, in junior high school and went on to own a series of small newspapers across California and beyond. Reb was elected to FAC’s board of directors in 1990, when it was called the California First Amendment Coalition. He served as […]

    November 30, 2023

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Is It Legal to Publish Personal Information Found in Court Documents?

    This is a question about publishing in formation found in documents from the Family Division of Superior Court regarding a divorce. Is it legal for us to mention the divorce in our article? Also, is it legal for us to publish the home address of a person in connection with our investigative reporting? We […]

    April 21, 2022

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    Annie Cappetta Joins FAC as Legal Fellow

    […] free-speech litigation in the First Amendment Clinic at Vanderbilt. "We are delighted to have Annie on board. She has shown exceptional dedication to the First Amendment and open government, and we look forward to her excellent work in helping expand our legal program’s reach and impact," says FAC’s Legal Director, David Loy. Annie joins […]

    September 21, 2023

  • Latest News


    Taxpayers Going Postal Over Public Employee Pensions, Perks. Unions’ miscalculation: Opting for secrecy.

    […] the zeitgeist shifted against them that, on one recent weekend, government employees were the butt of a Saturday Night Live skit, followed, the next day, by a New York Times magazine cover article proclaiming the "Teachers' Unions' Last Stand." Public unions' traditional strength--the ability to finance their members' rising pay and benefits through tax […]

    June 11, 2010

  • Latest News


    Psst: Wanna buy Barack Obama's email address? By Peter Scheer What would you pay to have President Obama's new private (and secure) email address? Two weeks ago I wrote in this space about efforts by Barack Obama's aides to get him to surrender his Blackberry, on which Obama had relied to escape the bubble […]

    June 3, 2009