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Showing 561 - 570 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Are the applications for state professional licenses public?

    I am a researcher for a state government agency.  For a current project, I hoped to access the applications for state professional licenses submitted by engineers. I say the records are public. Our lawyer said no.  Help!

    August 16, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Can An Agency Provide Requested Records But Deem Them “Confidential”?

    […] not the intended recipient, any action in reliance on the content of this media is strictly prohibited…" These financial records have been kept secret from the board and contain significant financial improprieties. Is this legal? I have a second question: A PRA request was made requesting copies of past checks written on a Manual Disbursement (petty […]

    February 5, 2018

  • Latest News


    It starts again: A Washington, DC judge has ordered 5 journalists to name their confidential sources for stories about the anthrax letters of 2001

    […] confidential sources inside government, a federal judge in Washington, DC has ordered five prominent reporters---Allan Lengel of the Washington Post; Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman, both of Newsweek; Toni Locy, formerly of USA Today; and James Stewart of CBS News---to disclose the names of government sources to whom they promised confidentiality. The order comes […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Pages

    Press Freedom

    A free press supports a healthy democracy

    July 3, 2024

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    Can we compel our non-profit hospital to share financial information with the community?

    I have received information that my local non-profit hospital pays too-high salaries to its top administrators, has a serious morale problem among doctors and nurses, and is not transparent to the public which grants its non-profit status. My understanding is board members of the hospital do not receive salary information and a full accounting […]

    October 21, 2013

  • Latest News

    Blog Cases

    FAC’s Subpoena Defense Initiative Protects Blogger in Celebrity Court Case

    […] Amendment Coalition launched the Subpoena Defense Initiative (SDI) to combat such threats—to provide expert, timely legal assistance to help independent journalists or those working for small, under-resourced newsrooms protect their confidential sources and unpublished work product—the lifeblood of journalism generally and in particular investigative and accountability journalism. For blogger Tina Swithin, who called on […]

    March 13, 2023

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act Newsgathering

    Restrictions on Agendas and Minutes

    I am attempting to report on city government and  have learned that the city only offers citizens the chance to view agendas during normal business hours. If one wishes to obtain copies, the city charges $.15 per black and white page. Past agendas and minutes can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope. […]

    March 5, 2012

  • Latest News

    Press Release

    Coalition Urges Compliance with California Public Records Law Amid COVID-19 Crisis

    […] 15 with additional signatory). MEDIA CONTACTS: First Amendment Coalition David Snyder fac@firstamendmentcoalition.org Society of Professional Journalists Northern California Chapter Freedom of Information Committee spjnorcalfoi@gmail.com Californians Aware California News Publishers Association Electronic Frontier Foundation First Amendment Coalition League of Women Voters California Open Vallejo Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press San Diego Pro Chapter […]

    March 23, 2020

  • Asked and Answered

    City says building plans can be viewed but not copied

    The city attorney is citing the Health and Safety Code Section 19851 to support the city's denial of copying building plans submitted to the city and on the planning commission agenda and council agenda but not yet approved. He says that until building plans are approved, they are the architect's property and can be […]

    September 19, 2012