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Showing 541 - 550 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Using CPRA to learn rules governing Resort Improvement District #1

    […] my community is being harassed by a local agency known as a Resort Improvement District #1. By law they are supposed to maintain the power lines, water and sewers. They do a lot more than that though. They want to be the police here and field and investigate complaints. They have humiliated me and […]

    July 22, 2013

  • Pages

    Sample Page

    […] and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community. As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!

    May 30, 2024

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment Social Media

    School District dictatorial about student use of social media, texting

    Our six children have been enrolled in our community public schools since 1992. Three of our children have already graduated, one is graduating this year and on will be graduating in 2019. With the advent of mobile communications, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc the administrations at the middle and high schools have become increasingly dictatorial about […]

    June 15, 2015

  • Latest News


    An open letter to judges in the BALCO appeal

    […] for an oral argument before you, the judges of the Court of Appeals. All you have to do is turn to Jonathan Donnellan, the lawyer for the newspaper and the reporters, and order him to tell the Court the name of the confidential source. Donnellan certainly knows who the source is; his clients gave […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    What are the free speech rights of public employees?

    […] respond to the concern, verify or deny the claim, or give the board information on the subject. This employee has been willing to put her name on complaints and concerns and she has been harassed and retaliated for doing so. What can I do to help her and help the district get back on track?

    May 8, 2019

  • Asked and Answered


    When Does Copyright Apply to Public Records?

    I'm a journalist at a technology news site based in San Francisco. And I have a question regarding copyright protections and public records in California. We wrote a story regarding a local VIP's  plans for a new home. The municipality allowed us to view the architectural renderings of the home in the city offices. […]

    May 23, 2018

  • Latest News

    Revisiting Citizens United decision: Not as harmful as feared, and actually provides a 1st Amendment rationale for curbing super PACs

    […] of CU. Super PACs are the political equivalent of hedge funds: professionally managed investment vehicles pooling the contributions of like-minded, high-net-worth individuals to support a candidate. CU opens the door to the legal argument that aggregating contributions from multiple donors into a common pool can never be independent, constitutionally-speaking, of  the candidate. Before getting deeper […]

    June 1, 2012

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Swearing in public commenters at open meetings

    A local city council has adopted various new rules for members of the public wishing to address the council.  The most concerning issue is: "The presiding officer may require any person to be sworn as a witness before addressing the council on any subject." They go onto to state that anyone making false statements […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Video Tapes, Free Speech, and the Brown Act

    To comply with the Brown Act, our City Council has separate Oral Communication periods; there are periods for Agenda Items, and Non-Agenda City Business. In our past election cycle during the 2-minute Non-Agenda Item Orals a video tape of a candidate was played. Video tapes are allowed to be used by speakers. The City […]

    June 14, 2009