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  • Latest News


    Snowden, go home

    […] disobedience, is what distinguishes morally-just protest, on one hand, from mere law-breaking, on the other. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr. Think also of James Risen, a New York Times reporter who faces sanctions, including jail, for his civil disobedience in defying a court order. Risen has been waging a legal battle to protect […]

    July 14, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    DMV denied request for records previously accessed. What should I do next?

    […] tell you what court belongs to the identifying number. My public records request for the entire list has been rejected because the information is cited as privileged and confidential. Reasons listed for the denial: Gov. Code 6254, subdivision (k), as that section interacts with Evidence Code section 1040 (privileged official information), (2) pursuant to […]

    August 19, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Is It Legal to Publish Personal Information Found in Court Documents?

    This is a question about publishing in formation found in documents from the Family Division of Superior Court regarding a divorce. Is it legal for us to mention the divorce in our article? Also, is it legal for us to publish the home address of a person in connection with our investigative reporting? We […]

    April 21, 2022

  • Latest News


    Vallejoโ€™s bankruptcy highlights need for transparency in city-union contracts

    […] secret, negotiations themselves are conducted in secret, and negotiated contracts are ratified in secret. By the time the public gets to see the compensation provisions of a new union contract, it is already a done deal--indeed, any effort to change the terms likely would be a breach of the contract. This cozy arrangement is […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Bagley-Keene Act Brown Act

    Bagley-Keene Act application not as broad as Brown Act

    […] be discussed or articulated by state managers are โ€™off the record," may not be repeated, or are somehow protected speech. Are these "advocacy coalition meetings" considered โ€™ openโ€™ under either the Brown or Bagley-Keene acts? Can information and/or statements made by state managers or analysts during these meetings be legally used or discussed by […]

    July 19, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    My PRA request denied, but Buzzfeed published documents on similar case

    […] and enforcement activities. This made me very curious about this case. I requested information from the CBOP and I was given one-line responses like "It is still open." Researching, I found a CBOP document released to Buzzfeed with 246 pages of documents of citations and CBOP actions regarding a separate case. I noted that […]

    September 2, 2016

  • Asked and Answered


    County Ignores My Requests For Public Records

    I have had a long-running battle with the county's Community Development Agency on them altering Tax Assessor real estate records in order to approve an out-of-proportion large new house construction. CDA rules dictate new houses have to be average to the neighborhood. What CDA did was inflate the neighborhood average size, the part that […]

    August 7, 2020

  • Latest News


    Anonymous speech, although constitutionally protected, is mostly digital graffiti

    […] take responsibility for what one writes. The promiscuous use of anonymity breeds distrust. Readers react to anonymous online postings with the same skepticism that they have for newspaper articles that rely unnecessarily on unnamed sources. They wonder if the anonymous blogger is a paid shill, or has some other conflict of interest, just as […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC Obtains Clemency Records in 6 California Cases After Challenging Secret Docket

    […] clemency cases โ€” records FAC is now making public. FAC obtained the records after securing a series of rulings from the California Supreme Court rejecting Gov. Gavin Newsomโ€™s efforts to maintain secrecy of files to seek clemency for twice-convicted felons. Despite the rulings, the governorโ€™s office delayed the release of these records, twice asking […]

    December 23, 2019