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Showing 291 - 300 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Does Brown Act Permit City Council’s New Rules of Decorum?

    The mayor of our city proposed for new Rules of Decorum in light of recent community unrest and the public wanting to express community concerns and distrust in the city officials and business. 1. Can the rules dictate what a community member wants to speak on during regular general public comment? (non agenda items […]

    May 21, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    Bagley-Keene Act Brown Act CPRA

    Are state Task Force meetings covered under the Brown Act?

    ย The state has assembled a Task Force and advertises its meetings (quietly) but claims they are not public meetings. They've said I can't attend. In fact I don't even know whether the meetings take place at a physical location or are mere conference calls. I believe they are public meetings because the Task Force […]

    July 11, 2017

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Union attorney didn’t defend my free speech rights

    […] it was a "just in case" announcement. I asked to speak to the board of trustees about the matter. After I spoke to the board, the local newspaper published my remarks. The varsity coach did not appreciate my remarks and complained to the administration. The administration recommended to the board that I be fired […]

    August 2, 2011

  • Latest News


    In Separate Moves, State and Federal Courts in California OK Policy Changes Allowing Greater Public Access

    […] in their administrative capacity, possess in common with, say, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Franchise Tax Board, or any other government agency. Until now. Under the new access rule, which takes effect January 1, you will be able to request records showing the exact compensation of court employees or reimbursements for judges' professional […]

    December 18, 2009

  • Latest News

    Advocacy Blog

    Why FAC is Urging the Biden Administration to End Assange Prosecution

    […] must speak out now.The Biden administration should drop these charges. Read the coalition's letter, spearheaded by the Freedom of the Press Foundation, and related coverage in the New York Times, "Civil-Liberties Groups Ask Biden Justice Dept. to Drop Julian Assange Charges." David Snyder is the executive director of the First Amendment Coalition, a nonprofit […]

    February 8, 2021

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Does the First Amendment Protect Against Censorship Public Access TV?

    […] is my understanding that the First Amendment censorship, and protects free speech. As this station is partially supported by tax dollars, and is supposed to be an open forum for the community, how is it possible they can get away with this? The hosts of its shows are volunteers, and not paid to produce […]

    February 13, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Collective concurrences, serial meeting, and the Brown Act

    […] immediately influence concurrence? For volunteer boards, especially of small organizations (such as our Park and Rec district), dealing from scratch with 100% of the organization's business exclusively in open monthly session does result in ridiculously long meetings. Given that directors are frequently loathe spending time between board meetings in issue-specific committees, what are the alternatives?

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News

    Reader Response

    […] 11, 2006, I received an e-mail message from an organization calling itself the California First Amendment Coalition. The message header was "Flash: First Amendment and Open Government News," surely something I'd be interested in reading. The body of the message was a re-print of the current lead article, Vol. 16, no. 16, on the […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does Brown Act Allow Adding Agenda Items Less Than 72-Hours Before A Meeting?

    […] meeting โ€” but the council doesn't meet in closed session; it's like a placeholder. On its action calendar, the council was scheduled to discuss and appoint a new interim city attorney. Three hours before the 7 p.m. meeting, the city clerk sent out an amended agenda, adding a closed session item at the end […]

    May 19, 2020

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    Journalists Thomas Peele & Caroline Titus named 2016 FAC Award Winners

    […] recipients of the organization's 2016 Free Speech & Open Government Award. Out of more than two dozen nominees, two contestants will be honored, one representing a mainstream news organization, and the other representing small-scale community journalism.ย What they share is theirย diligence in pursuit of access to public records in order to report stories that advance […]

    November 29, 2016