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Showing 261 - 270 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Grounds for Cease & Desist under the Brown Act

    Last June, my local City Council approved a $120,000 contract to a lobbying firm to work on a pending piece of legislation. The approval was in closed session and labeled as "Pending Litigation."  Under the Brown Act, do I have legal grounds to pursue a Cease & Desist order?

    March 31, 2016

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    FAC Receives James Madison Freedom of Information Award from SPJ NorCal

    […] suing Mayor London Breed for records related to the raid. At the same time, FAC has been at the forefront ofnumerous battles over the scope of California’s new landmark policy transparency law. In the California Supreme Court, meanwhile, FAC challenged the governor’s practice of keeping entire files of clemency proceedings under seal. Also among […]

    February 7, 2020

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    I ask for transparency; they ask me to resign

    […] versus a closed door Brown Act Meeting. There are no meeting minutes and no 72- hour posting of an Agenda, as required by the Brown Act. I have been repeatedly asked to resign from the committee and have been treated very badly because I am asking questions. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide.

    January 11, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    Request for advisory committee’s documents denied

    I want to get copies of documents from a local planning group (elected advisory body under the City's Dept. of Planning and Land Use). The chair of the committee has sent members an email  explaining that they should each bring the documents they possess for me to read while the meeting is in session, […]

    August 3, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Is footage taken by an officer wearing a body-camera a public document?

    […] relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency."  Govt. Code § 6252(e). Public records are presumed open unless they fall into a statutory exemption under Government Code section 6254.  The Public Records Act defines "public records" as "includ any writing containing information relating […]

    June 12, 2014

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC Sues San Francisco Police, Mayor Breed for Records Related to Raid on Journalist

    […] Bryan Carmody’s home and office, resulting in the seizure of a vast trove of constitutionally protected information. "City leaders have made an awful situation worse by sto newalling our requests for records related to the Carmody debacle," said FAC Executive Director David Snyder. "They have already violated the constitutional rights of a journalist, and […]

    August 21, 2019

  • Asked and Answered


    City avoiding disclosure of personal email

    A council member has claimed in public meetings and in the press to have received email regarding a particular issue. Our PRA requesting those email have been rejected by the city because they do not have email accounts for council members. However on the city website the link to contact council members is the […]

    January 13, 2012

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Posting Links on Neighborhood Council Websites

    […] on the Neighborhood Council website to offer factual information about redevelopment, stakeholder councils along with the other links they have there, e.g. political party meetings, neighborhood organizations, and "helpful" city agencies but have refused to add my requested links. (www.freedomadvocates.org) and (www.redevelopment.com) Both links are NON-PARTISAN…both are FACTUAL…no rhetoric. I am not seeking money, […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Incoming Superintendent Sitting in on Closed Session

    An incoming superintendent, his term does not being until June, was in on a closed session item on the appointment of a new principal last month. The incoming superintendent was the head of the search committee from the principal and it was his recommendation the board considered and approved. Was it legal for him […]

    June 14, 2009