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Showing 271 - 280 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Posting Links on Neighborhood Council Websites

    […] on the Neighborhood Council website to offer factual information about redevelopment, stakeholder councils along with the other links they have there, e.g. political party meetings, neighborhood organizations, and "helpful" city agencies but have refused to add my requested links. (www.freedomadvocates.org) and (www.redevelopment.com) Both links are NON-PARTISAN…both are FACTUAL…no rhetoric. I am not seeking money, […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Incoming Superintendent Sitting in on Closed Session

    An incoming superintendent, his term does not being until June, was in on a closed session item on the appointment of a new principal last month. The incoming superintendent was the head of the search committee from the principal and it was his recommendation the board considered and approved. Was it legal for him […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Required to pay research fee for building permit search

    […] 25 cents per page, but I guess copying fee of that amount is borderline legitimate. They have been charging this since at least 1995. I personally know at least 25 people who paid that fee over the years. I wonder if class action would be an appropriate and feasible remedy in this case. Please advise.

    March 5, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    Making an FOIA request regarding border security

    I'm an investigative reporter trying to obtain information from the Department of Homel and Security and Customs and Border Protection (about 32 miles of the northern border are considered secure) and about the number of drugs, guns and weapons crossing over the border. I also need information on staffing levels compared to the southern […]

    October 25, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Filing Complaint under State Audits Guidelines

    […] Public Records Act in support of this complain. To date, I've only received a copy of the contractor agreement describing the scope of work, term of agreement, and related items. One of the items I've requested is all email communications exchanged between my employer (OES, Communications Technology Development) and the contractor. To date, I […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Blocking Personal Information from Public View for Safety

    How do I block access to my personal and government records from public because I am a victim of domestic violence and stalking and kidnapping? Does it require a court order to block my ssn record and tax and any other record pertaining to my personal information.

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News


    New ruling in FAC case opens door to release of state bar records needed for affirmative action research

    […] information--for academic research into the effects of affirmative action policies. The decision, in a lawsuit filed by UCLA Professor Richard Sander and the First Amendment Coalition, an open-government organization, establishes that administrative records of the State Bar, which is an arm of the Judiciary, do not get a free pass from all government-access requirements. […]

    June 10, 2011

  • Latest News


    Time to Bring California’s Open Meeting Law into the 21st Century

    […] 14-year-old with a cell phone, but it also limits the "participatory" part of the "participatory democracy" that the Brown Act was meant to foster. Take, email, for example. Corporations in today’s economy couldn’t function without   email (or text messaging or online collaboration tools like Google Docs). But city council members are forbidden to […]

    September 30, 2015