The First Amendment Coalition is representing Holly McDede, a freelance reporter, in the matter of Doe v. Mill Valley School District, a lawsuit that seeks to prevent the release of documents covered by the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”), also known as a “reverse-CPRA” case. McDede covers sexual misconduct in schools, and has previously written about other school employees’ misconduct.
On June 7, 2024, McDede sought public records from Mill Valley School District as part of an ongoing investigation into staff misconduct in various districts. On June 28, 2024, in response to a letter from the district, McDede updated the request to seek “public records related to claims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or boundary crossing or grooming behavior made regarding teachers or other school employees” as well as “claims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or grooming made to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.”
The district was then prepared to release certain records about the conduct of a former employee who resigned during an investigation into his behavior. However, the former employee, suing anonymously as John Doe, filed suit, arguing that disclosure would violate his right to privacy.
The court issued a temporary restraining order against disclosure and scheduled a hearing on November 6, 2024, to decide whether to grant a preliminary injunction. Both McDede and the district oppose the preliminary injunction on the ground that the allegations against Doe were both substantial and well founded and therefore the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs his alleged privacy interests.
Legal Documents
- McDede opposition to preliminary injunction (10/23/2024)
- Declaration of Holly McDede in opposition to preliminary injunction (10/23/2024)
- Doe motion for preliminary injunction (10/9/2024)
- Mill Valley School District opposition to preliminary injunction (9/17/2024)
- Doe complaint (9/6/2024)