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Showing 831 - 840 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    What are the rules rescheduling a regular board meeting?

    […] body, the time and place for holding regular meetings."Gov't Code § 54954. Changing the time or place for holding regular meetings would seem to require adopting a new ordinance, resolution, bylaw, or "whatever other rule is required for the conduct of business by that body." As this language indicates, the Brown Act itself does […]

    July 29, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Closed City Council Meetings Outside Regular Meeting

    […] the council agenda. The meeting is closed to the public and is often attended by a Council member or two.  This stinks and is but one more example of the good old boy network that exist in this City.  Seems only fair that the taxpayers would be allowed the same opportunity, but are not! […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Brown Act Compliance for Faculty Members Digitally Attending Academic Senate Meetings

    Our Community College covers a broad service area—including several communities and military posts. We post agendas in all locations (locked, glass front display cases) where the agenda can be access at all times, 72 hours or more in advance. We use roll call to identify all attendees, and roll call to identify all votes, […]

    May 15, 2018

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC Sues San Diego District Attorney’s Office for Sexual Harassment, Misconduct Records

    […] (You can read the filed petition below.) The office has refused to release the records, which clearly must be disclosed under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) and are of significant public concern. To date, the District Attorney has admitted to having records relating to at least six instances of alleged sexual harassment and/or […]

    July 27, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA for personal medical record

    I recently submitted a CPRA request inquiring about my personal medical record. The CPRA was accepted but certain information that I requested was forwarded to several medical departments, requiring their consent to disclose. If a document is not responded to through a CPRA, what are my further options, or entitlements (preceding an expensive court action)?

    April 20, 2016

  • Latest News

    Rush Limbaugh’s rant has been met with hypocrisy on all sides

    […] public discourse.") But under what rock have Limbaugh's ex-sponsors been hiding? His intemperate remarks in this latest incident are not out of character. This episode is nothing new. The rant against Ms. Fluke is typical of Limbaugh's rants, which are an essential part of his radio persona. Advertisers have flocked to his program precisely […]

    March 8, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    PRA request denied for correspondence related to reports

    Three reports were recently accepted by City staff and posted on the City website. Reports were identified as independent analyses of effects of proposed commercial sports facilities. My request for written correspondence between City staff and companies that prepared reports was denied. Will you be able to advise me as to how to proceed further […]

    September 7, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Cure and correct Brown Act violations

    […] access to meetings that we think should be open.  The county board of supervisors passed a resolution to create a technical advisory committee (TAC) to manage a new large-scale commercial solid waste transfer station in this area. This committee is made up of staff members at the city and county level and they have […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Posts

    First Amendment

    Groups Urge Fresno County to Reject Book Ban

    […] of Supervisors advising them that the amended ordinance was still unconstitutional. The letter states: "The Amended Resolution is just as invasive, just as overbroad, just as vague, and just as unnecessary" as the original resolution. Today with the ACLU of Northern California, Freedom to Read Foundation, and PEN America, FAC sent a letter to […]

    November 7, 2023

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    What Are My Rights as a Journalist Arrested And Detained Without Cause?

    I am a journalist whose First and Fourth Amendment Rights were violated by police. The incident occurred while I was documenting but not speaking or interacting with anyone on the public sidewalk. The police department report has my location and description, and stated no crime suspected, just my presence and that I am photographing […]

    April 21, 2022