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  • Latest News


    Shame on Inglewood. Using copyright as a muzzle, the city files suit to censor a local critic

    […] critics, in hopes of unplugging his unflattering videos, was an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars? This is America, not Iran. Inglewood’s citizens are free to criticize government-- openly, loudly, even offensively. (This is sometimes also referred to as "politics.") Teixeira was exercising his birthright of US citizenship, the most fundamental of rights in a […]

    May 29, 2015

  • Latest News


    Guest Commentary: Did the Media go too far in Disclosing a Secret Dossier on Russia’s supposed “kompromat” against Trump? Nyet.

    BY PETER SCHEER---I share misgivings about the decision by multiple news organizations to go public with reports on rumors—all "unsubstantiated," as they hastened to disclaim—about collusion between the Trump camp and Russian intelligence services; about compromising x-rated videos of Trump in the company of prostitutes during a 2013 trip to Moscow; about alleged financial […]

    November 15, 2016

  • Latest News


    Amicus Briefs Digest, Sept. 2017

    […] "processed.") The amicus, authored by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, argues that prompt access to civil complaints benefits the public by fostering timely and accurate news reporting and promoting public understanding of cases on the courts' dockets, that there is a First Amendment right of access to civil complaints that attaches upon […]

    September 27, 2017

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Can someone be arrested for speaking too long at a public meeting?

    […] activist was arrested at a city council meeting for exceeding the time limit. It’s very loosely enforced by the mayor who allows some people to speak longer and others not to. The decision to target the activist was made earlier by the city attorney who told the police officer the next time this particular […]

    September 11, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    How do I challenge the results of a public records act request?

    […] pertaining to enrollment statistics for a subset of their total population. We have reason so believe that the information they have provided is inaccurate. One indicator, for example, is that they have provided wildly varying data depending upon the forum in which they are presenting the data. Is there a way to challenge what […]

    February 10, 2017

  • Latest News


    Woodward’s “leaked” Aghanistan report was declassified. How could that happen without Obama’s OK?

    […] given an advance look at a Woodward blockbuster so they can have a chance to alert him and Post editors to information, not necessarily essential to the news story, whose revelation could compromise intelligence "sources and methods" or otherwise harm bona fide national security interests. And maybe that's all that happened in this case. […]

    September 23, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act School Records

    My statement was inaccurately depicted in published minutes

    […] board meeting. When the minutes were made available my statements were mischaracterized. What are my rights regarding my statements recorded as factual? Should I send a "cure and correct notice" asking for my statements to be recorded correctly? I see the recording of my statements as removing key points regarding problems I see in […]

    December 6, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    How can I get the police dept. to release a shooting report?

    The local police department is refusing to release a report on a shooting. Many months have passed since the incident. They give no explanation for their actions. What would be the best way to proceed to get them to release the report?

    September 30, 2011

  • Latest News


    Obama blasts Afghans for expelling reporter who refused to ID confidential sources. So why the continued pursuit, at home, of NYT reporter James Risen?

    To its credit, the Obama administration was quick and forceful in its condemnation of the Afghan government’s expulsion of New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg, who had angered the Karzai government by reporting that high-level Afghan officials were considering bypassing electoral procedures to establish an interim government—in effect, to stage a coup. But the […]

    August 23, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police Reports and the CPRA

    […] If the report was filed against me am I entitled to a copy?  I have had approx 50-75 police reports filed against me by my insane neighbor and I am preparing to file legal action.  I need the police reports for evidence.  How do I get them?  The police will not give them to […]

    June 14, 2009