Every week is Sunshine Week at FAC, where we are fighting for government transparency and your right to know all year round. As Sunshine Week comes to a close this year, we wanted to share some of our top resources:
- Watch: Unlocking Public Records in California, where FAC’s open-government experts focused on educating journalists on using the California Public Records Act to tell important stories. The training offers tips and tricks for overcoming barriers to information.
- Request a training!FAC offers custom training sessions on the California Public Records Act and other open-government and topics. Write toFAC@firstamendmentcoalition.org.
- Free Legal Hotline:Anyone can submit a question to our freeLegal Hotlinestaffed by our open-government lawyers.
- California Public Records resources:Updated in 2023, FAC’sCPRA primer,FAQ, and FAC’sCPRA request templateletter feature strategic language that may be useful when submitting requests in California.
- Uncovering Police misconduct: Our Police Transparency Handbook, also updated in 2023, is dedicated to California’s laws covering public access to police misconduct and use-of-force records. The guide includes sample request records and a FAQ.
- For beginners! FAC Advocacy Director Ginny LaRoe gives this 10-minute tutorial on how to file your first request in California.