same-sex marriage

Federal appeals court rejects requests to release Prop 8 trial videos

In a narrowly tailored decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the public, media and same-sex marriage proponents could not gain access to the videotapes of the trial over Proposition 8. The court said that the trial judge had assured Prop 8 backers that the trial videotape would not be made public, and that pledge had to be respected to maintain the integrity of the justice system. -db From the San Jose

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Federal judge dismisses suit to keep secret the donors to proposition to ban same-sex marriage

A federal district judge upheld a state law allowing the release of names of those donating $100 or more to political campaigns. The supporters of Proposition 8 banning same-sex marriage in California wanted to withdraw the information claiming that the donors were at risk. Prop. 8 supporters said they had been harassed, vandalized, and received  hate mail and death threats. -db From the San Francisco Chronicle, October 22, 2011, by Bob Egelko. Full story

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Hold on releasing Prop. 8 trial videos

The videos of  Prop. 8 lawsuit videos will not be released while  federal appeals court considers whether the videos would endanger witnesses and compromise the credibility and integrity of the federal judiciary. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary hold on the videos after Chief  U.S.District Judge James Ware ruled on Sept. 19 that the videos be released. -db From the San Francisco Chronicle, September 28, 2011, by Bob Egelko. Full story

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New York: Group seeks to overturn same-sex marriage law with open meetings suit

New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms has filed suit in New York claiming the state’s Open Meetings Law was violated in passing the law giving gays the right to marry. Among other things the group claims the Republicans met in secret to discuss the law. The challenge is not expected to succeed at least on one count since the Republicans met as a party rather than as a Senate majority, a maneuver meant to skirt the

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