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    Showing results for government bodies must comply brown act 54951 act90 54951 act 54951 act90 54951 54951 54951

  • Asked and Answered


    Does the CPRA allow use of iPhone to photograph public records?

    […] However, no court of which I am aware has considered the issue. Bryan Cave LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to First Amendment Coalition hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

    January 9, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment Newsgathering

    City Won’t Add Us to E-mail List

    This is a tricky issue.  Once a government agency decides to release information or an official has chosen to speak to members of the media, it may be unconstitutional to exclude selected news organization or individual journalists from receiving the same information. In addition, differences in the manner in which the information is provided […]

    February 8, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    How to I get city to admit to under-reporting employee compensation?

    […] employees should generally be public.International Federation of Processional Engineers v. Superior Court, 42 Cal. 4th 319, 331 ("he 'broadly based and widely accepted community norm' applicable to government employee salary information is public disclosure"). However, it sounds like you may have obtained the information you requested and are instead considering what action you might […]

    October 22, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Is it legal to profit by selling information from public records?

    […] "services" such as mapping, notification alerts, etc. whenever an offender moves in or out of a certain area . AlertID is the service utilized by many local governments and is integrated into their registry websites, but AlertID also apparently offers these services directly to the public. Not surprisingly these companies almost always use scare […]

    September 17, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police deny request for 911 tape

    […] for old records could saddle them with a heavy financial burden. But in this case, it’s likely the 911 tape is easily accessible. Also, if the case is in fact still ongoing, wouldn’t that constitute contemporaneous police activity? I’d like to sue the LAPD into releasing the information, but do I have any legal standing?

    December 30, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing public records on mental health workers

    […] likely aware, the Public Records Act, Govt Code section 6250 et seq., although generally requiring that the public have access to all records of state and local government, contains numerous exemptions. Among these exemptions is Govt Code section 6254(c) which permits an agency to withhold "personnel, medical and similar files," the disclosure of which […]

    June 11, 2013

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Collecting petitions in public spaces

    […] Soc. for Krishna Consciousness, Inc. v. New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority, 691 F.2d 155, 159 (3d Cir. 1982), citied in H-CHH Associates v. Citizens for Representative Government, 193 Cal. App. 3d 1193, 1220-21 (1987) (allowing shopping center subject to Pruneyard to ban monetary solicitation as a reasonable time, place and manner regulation). As […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Fees assessed for electronic data

    […] be able to demonstrate how it calculated those costs using real data. Holme Roberts & Owen LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to FAC hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

    January 12, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    Making an FOIA request regarding border security

    […] Coalition: http://www.nfoic.org/states The FOIA Project (Transactional Records Action Clearinghouse): http://FOIAproject.org Holme Roberts & Owen LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to First Amendment Coalition hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

    October 25, 2011