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    Showing results for government bodies must comply brown act 54951 act90 54951 act 54951 act90 54951 54951 54951

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records CPRA Police Records

    Denied access to supervision records of high-risk parolee

    […] records of supervision for a high-risk parolee who is accused of murder. I sent a public records request and received a rejection letter that cites dozens of government codes in its defense. But I wonder if there's a way to fight that rejection. After all, that information has become public in several high-profile cases […]

    November 30, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Agency won’t provide records in electronic format

    […] format, then it should give those files to you in that format. Holme Roberts & Owen LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to FAC hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

    August 18, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police refuse request for incident report from peaceful protest

    […] regarding my complaint was "non sustained." It gave me NO responses to my detailed request in the formal request. On July 29th I filed a CA Records Act request "to inspect and obtain" the investigation into my formal complaint as well as dispatch log information which resulted in the deputies responding to our location […]

    September 9, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Serial Meetings

    […] one of them meet with a third board member to discuss the same types of general issues? Assume there is no discussion of how to vote on action items -- rather, it is a general conversation about how things are going. Can this be shared with a third board member, or does that constitute […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Bagley-Keene Act Newsgathering

    Arrested at meeting for commenting on no-public-comment rule

    As you may know, the general remedy under the Bagley-Keene Act, California's open meeting law that applies to state agencies, is nullification of an action taken in violation of the Act or a declaration that a particular act violated the Act.See Gov't Code sections 11123(a) and 11130.3(a). It sounds like the suit you contemplate […]

    July 2, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Denied police records because they were not in “searchable format”

    […] a specific arrest date, you may be able to get records through that method. Bryan Cave, LLC is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to FAC hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation.

    August 17, 2012

  • Asked and Answered


    Can I be charged for postage for CPRA requested documents?

    […] the County Clerk asking for postage (I ask to have the documents e-mailed). Looking online, state agencies presumably charge for postage. I have made requests from other state agencies but I don't think they have charged me postage for items sent. I know local government folks state they can't charge for postage.  So, can I be charged for postage?

    September 13, 2016

  • Asked and Answered


    UC keeps extending my records request without providing a reason

    First let me extend the Coalition's sympathies for your recent loss. The Public Records Act, at Government Code section 6253(c), provides that "each agency, upon a request for a copy of records, shall, within 10 days from receipt of the request, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable […]

    September 8, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Public Agency claims investigation files are exempt PRA

    […] I was informed the case was closed. I asked for access to their files of the investigation and was informed that it was exempt from disclosure California Government Code § 6254 (f). My interpretation of the statute is that it refers to law enforcement alone and not every public agency. I have argued that […]

    December 13, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Can I access history of code violations using the CPRA?

    […] other state or local agency for correctional, law enforcement, or licensing purposes." Bryan Cave LLP is general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition and responds to FAC hotline inquiries. In responding to these inquiries, we can give general information regarding open government and speech issues but cannot provide specific legal advice or representation. Public Records

    June 4, 2013