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    Showing results for government bodies must comply brown act 54951 act90 54951 act 54951 act90 54951 54951 54951

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Council took action on a for-discussion-only agenda item

    […] The "summary recommendation" was  that the city council "receive and file this report. "  However, without any public notice, the City Council took action.  I know the Brown Act requires items on which Council acts to be on the agenda in advance, unless there is an emergency or need for immediate action wasn't realized […]

    December 6, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Homeowners Associations Prohibition on Videotaping

    […] (in an open meeting and after a 30 day notice) to prohibit taping of Board Meetings by members of the HOA.  It is not clear whether "The Brown Act" applies in this case.  I do not know how to determine if "The association is (was) created by an elected legislative body in order to […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Rules for public comment at council meetings

    […] few criminal prosecutions under the Brown Act, and to date they generally have not been successful.  As for civil remedies, there are two options.  First, pursuant to Government Code section 54960.1, you may seek to void an action taken at such meeting.  The requirements for taking such an action require you to seek to […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Can someone be arrested for speaking too long at a public meeting?

     An activist was arrested at a city council meeting for exceeding the time limit. It’s very loosely enforced by the mayor who allows some people to speak longer and others not to. The decision to target the activist was made earlier by the city attorney who told the police officer the next time this […]

    September 11, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does Brown Act allow vote to be changed after a meeting adjourns?

    I  recently witnessed a Planning Commission vote which was changed after adjournment. There is a "protocol" listed on the city's website that says a vote can be changed within 48 hours. That sounds like a violation of the Brown Act to me.

    July 10, 2017

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Emergency agenda items and proper notice requirements

    […] question is: What is the correct procedure for adding an "emergency" item to a city Council agenda? Recently, a City Council added an "emergency" closed session to its agenda to discuss "anticipated litigation" without any motions or votes. My second question is about anticipated litigation: Must it be described in some fashion when it's added?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Application of the Brown Act to Volunteer Fire Companies

    […] part of the Public Records Act, but are the rest of our records part of the same Act? We believe that we are not part of the Brown Act because none of our members are on the Fire Dept. Board or visa versa. We are a separate entity formed by our group back in […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News


    Leading gubernatorial candidates Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown need to show voters, by their own actions, that they are committed to transparency in government. Promises won’t cut it.

    […] SCHEER---As California voters begin the process of selecting the next  Governor of the ungovernable Golden State, the leading candidates owe them a demonstration of their commitment to government transparency. All politicians are supportive of open-government "in principle;"  the question is whether they are committed in practice. The best test for that is a candidate's […]

    March 9, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Can the City Council ban non-disruptive clapping by audience members?

    […] guessing that about 90% of the speakers at City Council public meetings over the past couple of years have spoken in opposition to City Council policy and actions. I believe the implementation of the policy by the City Council is in violation of the First Amendment. The interpretation is not balanced and allows for […]

    April 14, 2015