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Showing 611 - 620 of 691 results

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police Reports

    Unfortunately, the officer is correct.  As I mentioned at the conference, the California Supreme Court has held that the police do not have to provide copies of the actual reports themselves, but that, under section 6254(f), must provide all the information listed in that section in the case of incidents or arrests.  Williams v. […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Personnel Privacy and Public Access to Incident Reports

    […] "inspect" the report (or, at least, to have someone there tell you the information to which you are entitled under section 6254(f)). Second, you can submit a letter under 6256 for a copy of the report.  However, since the agency doesn't have to give you a copy, that might not work.  Also, under sections […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Defining “action taken” and sufficiently describing agenda items

    […] respect to the continuing pattern and problem. Our student government also seems to take some matter listed as an "Opportunity for discussion," then make a motion to move it to be an "Action Item," then vote on it and pass it.Are we correct in believing our student government is not complying with the Brown Act?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Unreasonable Fees for Access

    […] to comply with the PRA, either in response to your oral or written requests (if you have not already done so, you might want to send a letter describing these legal authorities and requesting compliance with the PRA), your remedy is to file a suit under the PRA.  Government Code sections 6258 and 6259 […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA School Records

    School personnel campaigning on public dime

    […] pay "fees covering direct costs of duplication."Govt. Code Section 6253. You can find more information about making requests under California's Public Records Act, including a sample request letter, at the First Amendment Coalition website:http://firstamendmentcoalition.org/category/resources/access-to-records/. I hope this information is useful and wish you the best of luck in your efforts. Holme Roberts & Owen […]

    October 27, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA and copyright

    […] exempt from disclosure. Additionally, they said they will sell it, but the cost is $150,000. The CA Attorney General just provided an Opinion that county digital tax map data is public record.See http://caag.state.ca.us/opinions/published/04-1105.pdf.Is County correct in saying their data is exempt just because it's copyrighted?I could not find a copyright registration to support their claim.

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News


    Obama blasts Afghans for expelling reporter who refused to ID confidential sources. So why the continued pursuit, at home, of NYT reporter James Risen?

    […] Department's relentless pursuit of Risen, and its refusal to recognize a qualified, first amendment-based, testimonial privilege for journalists, are serious mistakes. Now would be a good time for President Obama to correct those mistakes. --------------------- The views expressed here are Peter Scheer's only; they do not necessarily reflect the views of FAC's Board of Directors. 

    August 23, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA request filled, but witnesses names were redacted

    […] information or suspects by not). I went through the Records Supervisor, and I also contacted the City Attorney for a meeting but was denied. The conclusion was a letter from the City Attorney advising me that all the necessary information/reasons was relayed to me four months ago during a "phone conversation" with the Records Supervisor […]

    March 31, 2015