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Showing 41 - 42 of 42 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Written public comment not read as promised before City Council vote taken

    […] I have since requested that the City Attorney review and advise. No response has been received. I then sent a certified letter to the City Attorney, District Attorney, and emailed all council members. Does any of this require that the item be reconsidered or that litigation may be required to cure and correct the action?

    June 14, 2016

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Supervisors multi-tasking during public comment

    […] the public testimony. This is particularly discouraging because this is a massive project with terrible impacts to our community. Does failure to pay attention to the testimony being giver or discussing the matter privately between themselves constitute a Brown Act violation? If so, is the deadline for sending a cure and correct letter 30 days?

    December 21, 2011