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Showing 181 - 190 of 691 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    School Board Closed Sessions with Administrators

    […] public may seek to void an action taken at such meeting. The requirements for taking such an action require you to seek to have the agency " cure and correct" the action taken at the improperly held meeting, and then bring a lawsuit if they do not. The requirements are very specific, they have […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA School Records

    Cities’ rights and the CPRA

    […] Second, I read the code as saying that every entity must have a posting of the law someplace AND a "person" responsible for handling request.  Am I correct in this or do state agencies have different rules that city’s.  I am hoping to get by the "dumb bunny" stage with this city and begin […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Rules for public comment at council meetings

    […] you may seek to void an action taken at such meeting.  The requirements for taking such an action require you to seek to have the agency " cure and correct" the action taken at the improperly held meeting, and then bring a lawsuit if they do not.  The requirements are very specific, they have […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police refuse request for incident report from peaceful protest

    […] explanation  and the Lt. who was to do so refused because we wanted to openly record her statements to us. In June 2011 I received a boilerplate letter of response from the department saying that their "administrative investigation" regarding my complaint was "non sustained." It gave me NO responses to my detailed request in […]

    September 9, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police deny journalist’s request for suicide report

    […] closed, but the request was denied anyway. The denial letter says that even when a police investigation is closed, the agency doesn’t have to make anything public (though it did provide a small, essentially worthless summary). Is that conclusion correct? Do I have any recourse? For instance, can I ask that they redact sensitive information?

    April 2, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    City-Funded Committees with Non-Public Official Member

    […] the Act's specific exemptions applies.  Since it sounds like your oral and email discussions with the city are going nowhere, you might want to send a formal letter request, asking for records "sufficient to show the names of the members of the ," or something along those lines.  Here is a link to the […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Posts

    Governor signs FAC-sponsored access bill

    […] filed to enforce the public’s right of access to government meetings under the Brown Act and to government information under the California Public Records Act. In a letter urging Governor Schwarzenegger to sign SB 786, California First Amendment Coalition Executive Director Peter Scheer wrote, The (anti-SLAPP) Legislature never meant to expose plaintiffs in litigation […]

    August 10, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Agency missed CPRA request deadline

    You are correct that California's Public Records Act provides that records must be made available for inspection during an agency's office hours and that copies of public records must be made available "promptly" upon payment of any duplication fees.Govt. Code Section 6253(b). The PRA directs agencies to determine whether a request calls for the […]

    October 12, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Written public comment not read as promised before City Council vote taken

    […] I have since requested that the City Attorney review and advise. No response has been received. I then sent a certified letter to the City Attorney, District Attorney, and emailed all council members. Does any of this require that the item be reconsidered or that litigation may be required to cure and correct the action?

    June 14, 2016

  • Posts

    First Amendment

    FAC Urges Immediate Dismissal of Charges Against Victorville City Council Member Arrested During Meeting

    […] Council Member Blanca Gomez, who was removed from the council's meeting on February 21, 2023, arrested, and booked into jail. FAC Legal Director David Loy sent a letter to the city council, copied to the San Bernardino County District Attorney and others, explaining why the removal and arrest raise serious concerns under the First […]

    February 24, 2023