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Showing 131 - 140 of 691 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA School Records

    Charter schools and the CPRA

    […] approved from past meetings. It has now been more than two weeks and I do not have the minutes, and they have not been added to the website. I would like to know if an attorney could write a letter for me to remind the school to publish these public documents and comply with the law.

    July 26, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Agency claims my CPRA requests via email are “not public records act request”

    It should not matter that your request was made in an email versus a hard-copy letter. If your emails were clearly "requests" that "reasonably describe an identifiable record or records," then it seems that the agency is obligated to respond to those requests under the provisions outlined in the Public Records Act. Gov't Code […]

    March 30, 2012

  • Posts

    First Amendment Press Rights

    FAC news: Prop 42 victory, amicus briefs on the Wrap, NCAA, fee waivers & more

    […] amicus brief urges the CA Supreme Court to review the case in order to clarify that the state’s "retraction statute," which limits the liability of publishers who correct factual mistakes, applies to digital publications as well as print publications. Thieriot v. The Wrap News, Inc. Enforcement of a CPRA request for emails of San […]

    June 17, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA School Records

    Cities’ rights and the CPRA

    […] Second, I read the code as saying that every entity must have a posting of the law someplace AND a "person" responsible for handling request.  Am I correct in this or do state agencies have different rules that city’s.  I am hoping to get by the "dumb bunny" stage with this city and begin […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    City-Funded Committees with Non-Public Official Member

    […] the Act's specific exemptions applies.  Since it sounds like your oral and email discussions with the city are going nowhere, you might want to send a formal letter request, asking for records "sufficient to show the names of the members of the ," or something along those lines.  Here is a link to the […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Public comments on water rates closed, item still on agenda

    […] you may seek to void an action taken at such meeting. The requirements for taking such an action require you to seek to have the agency " cure and correct" the action taken at the improperly held meeting, and then bring a lawsuit if they do not. The requirements are very specific, they have […]

    November 25, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    When should “anticipated litigation” be agendized?

    […] knowledge of this threat would not compromise the City’s ability to negotiate, wasn’t the City Council required to identify the source of the anticipated litigation and to provide the letter(s) from the IRS which raised the issue in the first place? When it was made public it was a complete surprise to the media and public.

    February 3, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing Polling Done with Public Funds

    […] the entire poll (questions, cross tabs, etc.) are therefore a public record subject to full disclosure under the PRA.  But I've not seen any cases or advice letters directly addressing the question.  Do you agree the poll is clearly a public record?  If so, can a district avoid releasing the entire poll--and instead release […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    How can I stop city from violating Brown Act during budget meetings?

    The city is having a budget meeting. The printed budget is over 500 pages and is divided into department sections. The Mayor prohibits public comment by department, instead he only permits public comment at the end of each day's meetings, and then the public is limited to three minutes. I believe this is a Brown […]

    November 14, 2014