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Showing 181 - 190 of 1082 results

  • Asked and Answered


    DMV denied request for records previously accessed. What should I do next?

    […] with a specific court in California. If you call DMV's toll-free number, they will tell you what court belongs to the identifying number. My public records request for the entire list has been rejected because the information is cited as privileged and confidential. Reasons listed for the denial: Gov. Code 6254, subdivision (k), as […]

    August 19, 2010

  • Latest News

    Extracting information from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) takes persistence and understanding one’s rights under FOIA

    […] practical limit the Privacy Act places on FOIA disclosures is to prohibit disclosure in circumstances where agencies already have the discretion to withhold records under a FOIA exemption." The Privacy Act, in other words, has no relevance in situations where FOIA requires disclosure, leaving ICE with no discretion in the matter. There are FOIA […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Records request regarding government contractors was denied on privacy grounds

    I manage a small organization that helps teach people to use public records for their protection. Recently we made a request to several municipalities for records of payments made to people doing business with the muni's. We sought to discover the names of persons or companies who were paid by the county or city […]

    July 13, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Accessing Closed Court Records: Authoring Book

    […] that would matter to the court. Any advice as to how to proceed to get access to the records?  If I wanted to hire an attorney to file a motion to unseal, is that likely to be successful, and any estimate for how much that might cost?  Can you think of other avenues of approach?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    State appointed School District Trustee violating Brown Act, CPRA

    […] Act when he did not specify appointments he was making to the School Board to fill vacant seats. He also is denying public review of the application for the School Board seats of those he selected. We sent a letter to the State Trustee asking him to "cure and correct" the Brown Act violation […]

    May 18, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    How can we make CSU produce public records withheld without explanation?

    […] produced some of the records requested, all of the records are not being produced. (We have evidence of this). A group of concerned faculty members have asked for these records because University Administration has been misusing funds (e.g., improper payments to themselves) and retaliating against faculty members who filed Whistleblower Complaints. We know that […]

    October 7, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Obtaining Copies of Video

    […] has been denied, within 10 days.  (Gov't Code § 6253).  If the written request is denied, the agency is obligated to back its denial by citing an exemption in the PRA or other state or federal law allowing it to withhold the records you seek.  (Gov't code § 6255).  Although the Metropolitan Transit System […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    How to file a verified petition

    […] obtain a specific record that is part of my case-file with the state. All records I have requested have been sent except one with no reason given for its exclusion. I understand I can submit a "verified petition" with the superior court to issue a writ of mandate requiring the state to provide the […]

    April 18, 2016

  • Asked and Answered


    City study taken off website after one day

    An historic inventory and study that the city paid for was put on the city's website for only a day and then taken off. I've asked city staff to provide me with a copy and was told that it's an administrative draft and they're not for public view.

    March 23, 2010

  • Asked and Answered


    Request for councilmembers salaries not granted

    I requested the salaries and health benefits of City Council members. It took one month to receive and I didn't get what I'd asked for.  I also asked for information regarding the voiding of a parking citation that they would not release.

    October 13, 2010