Search Results for: 6254(f) investigative – Page 5

A&A: Police refuse request for incident report from peaceful protest

Q: In August 2010 myself and three others were passing out Christian prolife materials to clients approaching a Planned Parenthood (PP) clinic. The PP is located in a public commercial strip mall and shares a common parking lot with the other businesses. A private security official threatened us with arrest if we did not move off the parking areas. We were not blocking, or occupying any spaces. We declined and five Sheriff’s deputies eventually arrived.

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A&A: Sheriff’s office won’t release names of inmates held on immigration charges

Q: I’m working on a story about inmates in county jail released into ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement)  custody. Seeking records of these individuals has brought up two questions. The first: are records of jail inmates (aka booking info) public? The county sheriff’s office says no. The second: are local jails prohibited from release names of inmates on immigration holds? I’ve asked for info on inmates released into ICE custody. They refused first on the (incorrect)

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CPRA Primer: Access to records

RESOURCES ACCESS TO RECORDS Accessing Public Records IN CALIFORNIA California Public Records Act Primer Note: To access the updated version of FAC’s CPRA Primer, please click here or see the “Download CPRA Primer” button below. Please note the rest of this page is under construction following the Jan. 1 2023 renumbering of the California Public Records Act. The CPRA is now located at Government Code sections 7920.000-7931.000. The California Law Revision Commission has published a table showing how previous

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A&A:What rules apply to searching DMV database?

Q: I’m divorcing a law enforcement officer, who has taken abuse of power to a whole new level and no one seems to care. What are the laws regarding license plate queries? My Ex, or his buddies, “ran” all of my friends and family through CLETS in order to gather information. When I contacted the DMV and filed a formal complaint, I was told it was a “family court issue.” Also, I recently requested documents

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California appeals court rules media no right to records of investigation of alleged kidnapper’s parole

The Third District Court of Appeals ruled that under the state’s Public Records Act, the Inspector General did not have to release the details of an investigation of parole authorities who during Phillip Garrido’s parole did not discover details of the kidnapping of an 11-year-old girl. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise October 27, 2010 By a MetNews Staff Writer The watchdog agency for the state prison and parole system has absolute discretion as to whether or not

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