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Showing 61 - 70 of 175 results

  • Asked and Answered


    CPRA request response time

    […] and had the secretary date, stamp it and make a copy for me. I have not heard back from the University. According to the law they are required to notify me within ten business days. I called much later and they had no response for me except for the request is being sent 'across campus'.

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Complaints, and Public Record

    […] to submit your specific request in writing.  The Public Records Act requires a public agency to respond to a request within 10 days.  Cal. Govt. Code  § 6253(c).  If your request is made in writing, then the response must be in writing.  Gov. Code § 6255.  In that response, if the agency is not claiming […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Attempting to access phone call recordings made from jail

    […] and "promptly notify" you, in writing, if it will make the records available, or specifically state the reasons the records are exempt from disclosure.  Gov't Code § 6253(c). The Sheriff’s Office must also state the estimated date and time when disclosable records will be made available.  Gov't Code § 6253(c).  The PRA requires the Sheriff’s […]

    January 13, 2016

  • Asked and Answered


    Powers that be ignored CPRA request. What should I do next?

    […] in writing to any written requests for records within 10 days of receipt of the request, and making copies of records available promptly thereafter.  Gov’t Code § 6253(c). If the agency is claiming that an exemption applies to any of the records you are seeking, it must let you know what the exemption is, and […]

    May 11, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    Are school district’s attorney fees public records?

    […] agency must respond within 10 days of the request, stating whether disclosable records exist that match the request and provide an estimated deadline for producing them.  Govt. Code 6253(c). Additionally, the agency receiving the request must help "the member of the public make a focused and effective request that reasonably describes an identifiable record or records." […]

    April 15, 2015

  • Asked and Answered


    University fails to make good faith effort to respond to records request

    […] public records in the possession of the agency and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefor." Gov't Code § 6253(c): "When the agency dispatches the determination, and if the agency determines that the request seeks disclosable public records, the agency shall state the estimated date and time […]

    February 3, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Public records request run around from housing authority

    […] public records in the possession of the agency and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefor." Govt. Code section 6253(c). But the law does not specify when the records so determined to be disclosable must actually be disclosed. The Act only says that records shall be made […]

    May 24, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Information on Running for City Clerk

    […] A. If a vacancy occurs at the city council or city clerk position, other than by expiration of term, the council shall, at its option, within thirty days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. The special election may be […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Economic Interest Disclosure Statements

    If you submitted a written PRA request, the Clerk's Office is required by law to provide you a written response within 10 days.  See Gov't Code section  6253.   At this point, your recourse would be to file a petition for writ of mandate requiring the Clerk's Office to respond, either by providing a copy of […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing Polling Done with Public Funds

    […] gather records in the possession of private entities, certain PRA provisions seem to indicate that this is contemplated by the PRA.  Under the PRA agencies have 10 days to provide you with the documents requested or to notify you that your request has been denied.  Gov't Code § 6253.  "In unusual circumstances," the 10-day […]

    June 14, 2009