How does the CPRA deal with emails between elected officials
Can email sent by a California Special District elected official to other directors or the district office concerning district business…
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Showing 691 - 700 of 1273 results
Can email sent by a California Special District elected official to other directors or the district office concerning district business…
Is a weekly Rotary Club meeting considered a “Social or Ceremonial” event that would be governed by the Brown Act?
I uncovered an election-time irregularity in the office of the District Attorney. This news led to his assistant’s departure. Now,…
I am a reporter currently working on a series of articles on a local nonprofit. I know that as a…
I am attempting to identify information from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The specific information is an identifying number…
The planning commission was given six days to review a 117 page packet for a very controversial project for the…
In response to our public records request for electronic data, public agencies have refused to release data in Excel format.…
First off thank you so much for providing such a boon to transparency in government.
I’ve found an attorney willing…
What section of California law deals with retention and destruction of public records?
I manage a small organization that helps teach people to use public records for their protection. Recently we made a…