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  • Latest News

    FAC News

    Now Hiring: FAC Legal Fellow

    […] and others, with a particular focus on those in traditionally underserved communities. FAC’s legal work is focused on enhancing public access to federal, state and local government records and proceedings and protecting the First Amendment rights of free speech and press. FAC also works to provide legal assistance to journalists served with subpoenas for […]

    October 14, 2021

  • Asked and Answered


    My CPRA request was denied due to “attorney-client privilege”

    The purpose of the California Public Records Act (CPRA) is to increase freedom of information by providing access to information in the possession of public agencies. To implement this policy, Government Code section 6253, subdivision (a) provides all persons with the right to inspect any public record maintained by state or local agencies, subject […]

    September 14, 2015

  • Latest News


    1st Amendment unravels plans to hide Cosby transcript, police-shooting video

    […] But . . . but . . .the lawyers may not have fully taken into account the First Amendment, which provides a right of access to judicial records (and also judicial proceedings). Although it’s true that litigants, in settling a case, are generally free to agree between themselves that they won’t assert certain rights, […]

    July 21, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    Is it legal to profit by selling information from public records?

    As a general matter, there are no restrictions on what a private entity may do with records and information that it collects from a public entity. If the private entity wants to repackage the information, and then charge for that information either by collecting fees directly from consumers or through advertising, there would not […]

    September 17, 2013

  • Asked and Answered


    Are letters to legislators public?

    The Legislative Open Records Act (LORA) provides public access to records of the legislature, but, generally, LORA is not as broad as the Public Records Act, which provides access to records of executive and local agencies.  LORA recognizes that access to legislative records is a "fundamental and necessary right of every citizen in this […]

    July 14, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    Water agency contractors’ calculations “trade secret”?

    It seems that you should be able to file a formal Public Records Act request in order to demand a copy of the employment contract between the county water agency and the consultant. Pursuant to Government Code § 6254.8, the employment contracts of public employees are expressly a matter of public record. I can’t […]

    January 16, 2012

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Denied request for identities of homicide victims four years after the crime

    I have a question about police records you may be able to help with. I'm trying to verify the identities of some homicide victims, four years after the crime. I've asked for the name and date of birth of the victims, but the department says they may not release the info. Do you know […]

    November 16, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    The CPRA…

    Under the California Public Records Act ("PRA"), the public has a right to inspect and obtain copies of documents collected or maintained by state or local agencies.  The PRA requires agencies to provide you with the documents requested, or notify you that your request has been denied, within 10 days.  (Gov't Code § 6253).  […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    Are city council subcommittees Brown Act-exempt?

    […] written descriptions of these subcommittees available for review. That said, if the city does have any writings pertaining to these subcommittees, then presumably they would be public records under the Public Records Act, and thus must be disclosed upon request unless some exemption applies. You can find additional guidance on making a request under […]

    September 21, 2012