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  • Latest News


    Transcript: Protest & Pushback

    […] reignited movement for Black lives led to concrete changes in policies and politics. And, it changed the conversation about racial justice, and possibly the country, forever. A new generation of activists exercised their right to peaceably assemble, to speak out and to petition the government. The right to record police gained new importance. Videos […]

    December 6, 2021

  • Latest News

    Are Myths Killing the Newspaper Business?

    Are newspapers dead, dead, dead? If you can believe everything you read in them, apparently so. Hal Fuson, a veteran of 44-years in the news business, didn't think those obituary writers had their stories straight. In fact, they were reporting myths about the dire state of the industry as though they were facts. When […]

    February 24, 2010

  • Events

    Media Leak Investigations and the First Amendment

    By Cricket X. Bidleman Update: On Monday, July 19, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced a new policy barring federal prosecutors from seizing journalists’ records, except in rare circumstances, a development praised by press-freedom groups. The following live panel discussion took place days before the memo was released. Journalists’ ability to protect confidential sources and keep the […]

    August 13, 2024

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC Again Prevails in Unsealing Search Warrants Executed on SF Journalist Bryan Carmody

    Three San Francisco judges on Friday ordered the public release of sealed applications for three search warrants executed on freelance journalist Bryan Carmody —for his home, office and phone. The release of these materials should help answer a central question in the Carmody saga: how the San Francisco Police Department was able to obtain […]

    August 5, 2019

  • Posts

    Vote YES on Prop 42 if you value open-government. Vote no if you prefer secrecy.

    […] speculated that, in a post-Prop 42 world, overall open-government costs could rise because the state, unconstrained by its current obligation to reimburse local governments, could create costly new open-government programs and requirements, thereby increasing costs for local government. Not so. This theory overlooks the fact that the Public Records Act applies to state agencies […]

    May 13, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Law unclear on collecting signatures on private property in California

    […] to petition California ballot initiatives on private property. However, there have been a couple rulings that have not upheld the historic Pruneyard case regarding locations like Target and Walmart.Furthermore, Target has ignored the recent San Diego ruling and has continued to have petitioners arrested in the L.A. area. This is an important issue to […]

    October 24, 2011

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    Mel Opotowsky, 1931-2024

    […] California and perhaps the country" to advance the cause of open government. After working as a reporter at United Press International and later as an editor at Newsday, Mel came to California in 1973 to work as day editor at the Riverside Press, an afternoon paper that merged 10 years later with its sister […]

    April 26, 2024

  • Latest News

    FAC News

    Now Hiring: Development Director

    […] the strategic vision for FAC’s fundraising efforts and executing on tactics that ensure FAC has the resources to meet its goals. Researching, identifying and directing outreach to new sources of funding, individual and institutional. Energizing FAC’s board of directors to engage at all levels of fundraising. Creating compelling materials for donors, including email updates, […]

    August 25, 2022

  • Events

    Refusing Censorship: A High School Paper’s Fight For Press Freedom

    […] the First Amendment Coalition (FAC) partner with the Student Press Law Center on Student Press Freedom Day 2023 for a virtual event "Refusing Censorship: A High School Newspaper’s Fight for Student Press Freedom." For this event on February 23, 2023, we invited students and educators to meet and hear from award-winning journalism adviser Adriana […]

    February 23, 2023