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Showing 391 - 400 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Making a FOIA request to the Dept. of Homeland Security

    I'm an investigative reporter trying to obtain information from the Department of Homel and Security and Customs and Border Protection regarding the 32 miles of the northern border  that are considered secure; about the number of drugs, guns and weapons crossing over the border; staffing levels compared to the southern border.They say some information […]

    July 11, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA School Records

    Accessing university’s decision making on promotions and tenure

    […] discoverer was denied support for his promotion and tenure by his department's promotion and tenure committee. I wish to obtain all documents related to this decision. Two questions: 1. Can I obtain them using FOIA? 2. Do I address the FOIA to the University's department of medicine? the Regents of the CA university system? Or […]

    June 9, 2015

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA School Records

    Public Records Act Request Denied Due to Inability to Redact “Deliberative Material”

    […] are exempt from disclosure citing Gov. Code §6255. I appealed the decision based on the wording of the code that states: "If a record contains both factual and deliberative materials, the deliberative materials may be redacted and the remainder of the record must be disclosed." They rejected this claim stating that "Board Informatives are […]

    February 20, 2018

  • Latest News


    Free the Hewlett-Packard 5!

    Corporations must have power to police leaks internally so newspapers will remain free to publish leaks By Peter Scheer California Attorney General Bill Lockyer wasted no time in filing criminal charges against former Hewlett-Packard Chairwoman Patricia Dunn, H-P's senior legal counsel and three outside security consultants for alleged crimes committed in the course of […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Latest News

    Press Release

    New FAC Lawsuit To Tackle Growing Use of “Reverse CPRA” Suits

    FAC sues Milpitas for access to information about alleged misconduct by city officials A new lawsuit filed by the First Amendment Coalition against the city of Milpitas highlights the growing use of so-called "reverse California Public Records Act" suits to pre-empt the public’s right of access to information about their government. FAC’s lawsuit, filed […]

    May 31, 2017

  • Posts

    FAC Opposes California Bills that Would Reduce Face-to-Face Accountability

    […] open and accountable by chipping away at our state's open-meetings laws. Los Angeles Times: It's time for California's public officials to return to work. In person. Mercury News: Stop Two Bay Area Legislators' Assault on Open Government Orange County Register: Don't Let Pols Duck Public Meetings We couldn't agree more with these headlines. FAC […]

    August 21, 2023

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC, Media Coalition Fight New Effort to Weaken CA Police Transparency Law

    A coalition of media groups led by the First Amendment Coalition (FAC) today filed court papers challenging yet another attempt by a police union to undermine a new, landmark police transparency law in California—this time in Los Angeles County. The law (SB 1421), which went into effect on Jan. 1, requires a slew of […]

    January 19, 2019

  • Latest News

    Public schools may take down a student banner stating “Bong Hits 4 Jesus,” the US Supreme Court rules. But not in California.

    […] the Supreme Court ruled earlier this week. But that may not be the case in California because the state Education Code provides greater free speech protection. The new Supreme Court decision, Morse v. Frederick, stems from a public high school’s suspension of a student who, while at a school event, unfurled a banner reading, […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Open meeting law and homeowners associations

    […] voted on (to start the process). The only thing mentioned on the agenda was the notification of a homeowner presentation on lake usage. Lastly, one of the new board members lives on the lake in very close proximity to the ski area and has been a vocal opponent of skiing. The area he lives […]

    June 14, 2009