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Showing 351 - 352 of 352 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Request for advisory committee’s documents denied

    I want to get copies of documents from a local planning group ( elected advisory body under the City's Dept. of Planning and Land Use). The chair of the committee has sent members an emailĀ  explaining that they should each bring the documents they possess for me to read while the meeting is in […]

    August 3, 2011

  • Latest News

    Blog Cases

    Super Bowl Score: Cop Overtime $6.3 Million, Taxpayers 0

    […] $6.3 million in overtime while The City hosted "Super Bowl City." And the big losers were not just the Carolina Panthers, they were San Francisco taxpayers, whose elected representatives threw a big party for the billionaire owners of the National Football League. Those are the revelations from public records produced by the San Francisco […]

    April 14, 2016