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Showing 331 - 340 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does Brown Act Allow Adding Agenda Items Less Than 72-Hours Before A Meeting?

    […] meeting โ€” but the council doesn't meet in closed session; it's like a placeholder. On its action calendar, the council was scheduled to discuss and appoint a new interim city attorney. Three hours before the 7 p.m. meeting, the city clerk sent out an amended agenda, adding a closed session item at the end […]

    May 19, 2020

  • Latest News

    Events Press Release

    FAC Expands Subpoena Defense Training to Serve More Journalists

    The First Amendment Coalition is expanding its Subpoena Defense Initiative, adding free legal seminars in New York and Washington, D.C., to deepen the bench of qualified lawyers able to step up when journalists face threats to press freedom. With generous assistance from First Look Mediaโ€™s Press Freedom Defense Fund, FACโ€™s Subpoena Defense Initiative makes […]

    October 3, 2019

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    City Council disbursed funds without allowing comment by groups they shortchanged

    […] to fairly distribute funds to all domestic violence shelters in L.A.ย  Members decided to give the majority of the funds to just two of the thirteen shelters and wouldn't take comments from the 11 shelters that were shortchanged. Our agency in fact serves more people than the two receiving the most funding. How is […]

    February 15, 2012

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment Social Media

    Local School Board President Banning Parents From Commenting On School’s Official Facebook Page

    […] is being blocked by a local school board president from commenting on the Facebook page where he frequently discusses local school board issues. It is my underst anding President Trump, Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, elected officials in County Board of Supervisors seats and others have had courts rule against them for blocking citizens and […]

    September 17, 2021

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    FAC, Media Coalition Notch Important Victory in Growing Police Transparency Fight

    […] dubious legal arguments," said FAC Executive Director David Snyder. "When the Legislature decided at long last to open up police misconduct records, they plainly didnโ€™t discriminate between new records and old records. The public is entitled to know about police misconduct, whether it occurred in 2005 or 2019." Various police unions are arguing to […]

    February 11, 2019

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Closed Sessions, Settlements, and Lack of Discussion/Public Comment

    […] session to discuss ongoing litigation against the city by outdoor advertising companies challenging the city's program of surveying and inspecting billboards and other off-site advertising signs.ย  In open session following that meeting, the council adopted without discussion a settlement agreement that made changes in city codes regarding inspection fees, the number and types of […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    Councilmembers texting during meeting a Brown Act violation?

    We have noticed a new trend during City Council meetings. We are seeing council and staff texting/emailing to each other while on the dais. This is occurring during the public comment item of the meeting and includes the city attorney. We would like to CPRA these texts but believe they will either claim they […]

    May 23, 2013

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    Peter Scheer honored with Cal Press Foundation Award

    […] Scheer has been the executive director of the First Amendment Coalition since 2004. Before joining FAC, Scheer was editor and publisher of The Recorder, a daily legal newspaper in San Francisco; publisher of Legal Times, a Washington, D.C.-based weekly on law and lobbying; and CEO of callaw.com and law.com. Scheer practiced appellate law in […]

    November 29, 2016

  • Pages

    Why Support FAC?

    FACโ€™s vision is a California in which the rights promised by the First Amendment are available and enforced for everyone, irrespective of wealth, politics or access to power. Every day, FACโ€™s team of First Amendment experts fight for these protections and for government transparency on multiple fronts, bringing our decades of experience to bear […]

    July 20, 2024